Monday, November 03, 2008

Let The Voting Begin


I will be working the poles all day - from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. So don't bother me because I will ignore you. I have serious business to do today.
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  1. Have fun watching all them people voting for Obama. ;-)

  2. You can trash the ballots of those who voted for Obama. They will be easy to spot. Just look for that "deer in the headlights" expression on their faces.

  3. Glad to hear you are out helping! We may be voting for different people but everyone should vote and even better know how it feels to help out.

  4. The "poles"? Are you pulling a double shift at the local strip club?


  5. Hey..
    Who won the election??

    oh wait..


    woo hooooooooooooooooo

    just sayin'

  6. I know your guy didn't win, John, but that was just about the most gracious, healing concession speech I've ever heard. It will be nice to see you folks get back on track after 8 years of internal rot.

    And just to prove you're on board with the new regime, you can just stick your wallet out on the sidewalk every night. It will be easier to redistribute your wealth that way.

  7. Good for you; that was important work.

    I voted. So did BB.

  8. I know your guy didn't win, John, but that was just about the most gracious, healing concession speech I've ever heard. Good for him! Very sensitive and gentle.

  9. are you ok? did you survive?

  10. I know your guy didn't win, John, but that was just about the most gracious ... hey, what ...?
