Wednesday, August 19, 2009


***Another one just came in:
Hi Coffepot
If you could re-do one thing in you life over what would it be and why? - Lindi
Today, right now, it would have to be marring the second time. Just not happy right now.

***One more question from RWA

Southern (in)Sanity said...
If you could eat at the Waffle House three meals a day for an entire week, would you order the same "breakfast" each day? If so, what would it be?
I only got there once, sometimes twice a day. But if you are talking just breakfast:

Fiesta Omelet with sliced tomatoes instead of grits or hash browns.

Cheese and eggs with country ham and cheese grits.

Biscuit and gravy with bacon.

A bowl of cheese grits with bacon.

Occasionally steak and eggs with tomatoes.

Grill cheese with lettuce and tomatoes like a sandwich.

All starting with a cup of black coffee and a diet coke with the meal.

I don’t eat the something every time. I vary it.

Okay, so there wasn’t a big rush to the question trough, but for those of you who did, her are the awnsers - for good or bad.

Special K said...
Alright Coffey, are you caffeinated or decaffeinated? HA OK real question. Boxers or briefs! BWA HA HA OK I can't think of a real question but feel free to answer the above.
I am definitely CAFFEINATED - I can keep you awake all night - talking my ass off.
Sometimes briefs but mostly Boxer-Briefs - the best of both worlds. Unless I’m running around Commando, which is often in the summer.

Eddierude said...
Where is your empirical evidence that Bush was a successful business man?I went over to your blog and see that you are just a Bush Basher and nothing I can say will help your pitiful attitude. First of all, Bush isn’t around anymore. He’s out of the limelight, so let it go. It’s old and boring. Secondly, I don’t care if he was a successful business man, he WAS a great President. He did not succumb to political pressure and bogus surveys like the Clintons did, and he stayed the course in keeping America safe. During most of his term the economy was great, unemployment was the lowest in over 50 years and it wasn’t until the Dems took over and the Liberal media stoked up its negative press that he was beat down emotionally. Obama is dangerous for this country and will have us bankrupt before his term is over if the American people don’t come together and defeat is ass. Finally, everyone is entitled to an opinion and yours will be allowed here anytime as long as you are civil. But you are from Canada and therefore have no say into what MY President does. I never comment on the bullshit that goes on in Canada because, mainly I’m not that versed in Canadian politics, and I feel that is your issues. So no, I cannot give you empirical evidence becaue it simply does not matter and is not important in anything. But at least he did have a job, unlike Obama. Obama lama is where his at because he rode a wave of ‘look how cool we are for voting for a black man.’ He has sounded himself with convicted criminals, tax evaders and radical scum from the Chicago political system, one of the most vile and corrupt in the country. He is a joke and a conman and an embarrassment to Real American.

dana said...
Does your wife know you have access to the computer?
I can’t walk and chew chewing gum at the same time, so she used that as birth-control. Give me a stick of gum as we were going to bed and it was over for the night. She slept well and I had jaw cramps. But I got wise and quit chewing gum. So she bought me a laptop and a lap desk. Now I spend all night blogging, Face Booking and Tweeting. It works out great because SHE is getting to old for nightly romps.

Anonymous said...
Did you inhale?

Anon T, so deeply my toes emitted smoke. Back in the day when booze and weed were a big part of my life, I also raced on a couple of the area bullrings. The nights were spent either working on the car, and drinking afterwards or at one of the guys homes drinking and munching out and inhaling. It is a very dangerous combination because you can choke easily on snacks and laughing your ass off at the same time. One night we were really blitz and Chris was sitting right next to the television screen staring at it. This was back in the day before cable and the stations actually went off the air at midnight and the screen was white with little black dots and a hissing sound. Remember? Anyway Chris was sitting there staring at the screen and he turned to me and said, "Johnny (back in the day I was called Johnny becasue no one had yet to realize the brilliance and the depth that only a John could handle,) look at this shit." I set down next to him and was wondering what was going to happen when Ron looked over our shoulders and ask what was going on. Chris said, "This is so cool, man. Johnny and I are watching the ant races. I pulling for this one right here (pointing at a dot)." I almost choked on my beer laughing at that dumb-ass. So yeah, I inhaled.

Hope said...
If u had to loose one of your five senses which one and why?
Smell! Everthing else is so cool and beautiful to see, feel, hear and taste (though this is tied into smell). But I would give up smelling a rose or a fart or a nasty cooter to enjoy everything else.

What place would you like to vacation that you haven't been.
Australia/New Zeeland, I have friends there that could put on a great vacation; Alaska for the beauty and savagery of the wilderness, Austria and Ireland for the castles, and I wish I was rich enough to own a motor home and travel all over the great USofA on the back-roads.

Okay? Did that do the trick for ya?


I have spent the last two days reading some of your older blogs and following links to some of your peeps blogs, too. Not all of you, but some of you. I didn’t comment on the stuff I read because they are a year or two old. I was just reading for pleasure. I am fortunate to have some pretty damn good writers in my blogging community and it has been fun reading our stuff.

But on one of the sites I ran across this idea that seems kind of dangerous but fun. So I though I would try it.

I know you guys stay awake at night wonder about who I am, where I come from, how did I get to be so wonderful and shit like that.

So here is your challenge - or is a challenge for me - ask me ANYTHING you want to know. Every question will be answered. Now let’s face it, I can’t give you the answer to the meaning of life or what the winning lottery numbers are, but if you want to know anything about me or my life, ask away in the comments section. The time frame? I’ll come back with answers on Thursday. If there are no takers and there are no questions, then I’ll post a joke or two.

Right now I will leave you to ponder your questions with these little tidbit from Andy Roonery:


Impotence: Is nature's way of saying, "No hard feelings…”

There are three stages in a man's life:
Tri-Weekly, Try Weekly and Try Weakly.

Having sex is like playing bridge - if you don't have a good partner, you better have a good hand.

Question: What are the three biggest tragedies in a man's life?
Answer: Life sucks, job sucks and the wife doesn't.

Question: Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact with women?
Answer: Breasts don't have eyes.
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  1. Alright Coffey, are you caffeinated or decaffeinated? HA OK real question. Boxers or briefs! BWA HA HA OK I can't think of a real question but feel free to answer the above.

  2. Thanks for a good laugh to start off my day! Ok, I don't really have a question right now but I will try to think of a good one...

  3. Where is your empirical evidence that Bush was a successful business man?

  4. Does your wife know you have access to the computer?

  5. Did you inhale?

  6. If u had to loose one of your five senses which one and why?

    What place would you like to vacation that you haven't been.

  7. No questions...yet. Just a thanks for stopping by my place.I'm glad you enjoyed my lunacy.

  8. Peg, thank you for coming by. I plan on enjoying your lunicy as often as I can get there (daily.) Keep making me laught and I will follow you anywhere.

  9. Well done ... especially with calling out the Bush basher.

    My question:

    If you could eat at the Waffle House three meals a day for an entire week, would you order the same "breakfast" each day? If so, what would it be?

  10. Hi Coffepot
    If you could re-do one thing in you life over what would it be and why?
