Thursday, September 10, 2009

Breakfast In Bed



Now that is a caring husband!
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  1. w0w… it is obviously a special occasion.

  2. Julie, you gave up a man tht good? Sad!

    BD, what more could he do for her on her birthday? Roll her over to the sink to do the dishes?

  3. I just wanted you to know that you've shot my productivity for the morning. I found your blog through Life Is Good and I AM SO GLAD I did. (Loved your comment about the Hefty Bags you left there.) I'm adding you to my Follow list. LOVE THE BLOG! LOVE THE LAUGHS

  4. Rebecca, hanks for dropping by. I didn't realize your life was so boring that you would want to follow my blog, but you are welcome to be here anytime.

    I'm not as welcome at your site. I went by and found I needed an invitation and the signing over of my first born to visit you. Okay, you can have the first born. Good trade, huh?

  5. Coffeypot - life is anything but boring as a new mother (daughter just turned one) and a sign language interpreter in an inner city high school! My blog is private because it's all about the life and times of my Little Miss O. I'd be happy to send you an invite but the fodder may not be worth your time since it's just a mother's braggings and little else :O). Plus, we didn't want any cyber pedophiles snatching stolen sticky moments with our drama queen who loves the camera. Thanks for wanting to 'check me out'. Been awhile since anyone did that!

  6. eeeeghads! I just re read my comment and I certainly didn't intend to suggest that you were a cyber pedo! I just meant that I didn't want just any 'ole wacker to happen upon my kiddo. (shaking head) I need to proof read...Thank you for taking that in stride :O)

    ***squeeeek**** that's the sound of me back pedaling. Sheesh! I'm gonna chalk that up to the Swine Flu messin with the few brain cells I have left. YUP...we got infected. YIKES!

    Sorry, again!

  7. Rebecca, no offence taken. I totally understand why you keep your blog locked up. But you can still come here and comment you ass off.

  8. ha! Coffeypot-- your blog has given LOTS of laughs and uh-huhs! to many of my days!!
    I don't have a blog, but I admit, dangit, I'm a creeper, I love to look at other people's blogs, but don't have one of my own.

    You are one of my most faves!! I even told some of my friends/family to check you out!!

    You rock!!

  9. Anomyous, that’s the nicest comment I’ve had in…oh…15 minutes. My wife just told me she loves me because I gave up sex. Okay!! I’m not that happy about it but she made me…wait…just kidding…honestly. But thank you anyways. Regardless, you should consider starting a blog. I would read you stuff. Give it a shot.
