Monday, September 21, 2009

I Was Fired

I was once fired from a job a few years ago. No, it wasn’t for stealing or poor attendance or even poor job performance. It was for caring too much for the welfare and morale of my fellow workers.

For the Annual Company Picnic, management had decided that because of liability issues, we could have alcohol, but only one drink per person...

I was fired for ordering the cups.


I think everyone had a good time, tho no one can actually remember.
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  1. You forgot the Sharpies. How would anyone know which cup was which?

  2. Who cares? After the fist couple a dozen sips, you want know the difference between beer and Champaign. The Sharpies are use to smell to add to the alcohol high.

  3. We had a policy like that in Berlin..."one beer" for lunch.
    I usually drank a liter.

  4. Dude - Germany, almost the birthplace of beer, and you could only drink just one? That's criminal.

  5. Nice size cupr there. Do you have any large bowls and plates?

    Thanks for following the Secrets too!


  6. too funny! so did you find a new job as a party planner????

  7. Now that's my kind of cup. I'm coming to party with you.

  8. Hmm, I wonder if they make candy bars...
