Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ill, Sick, Under the Weather, Not Feeling Good

I haven’t been feeling well the past couple of days.

No fever; No throwing up; No screaming shits; No aches or pains.

Just a soar throat and NO energy.

Coughing a little bit, but more of a dry cough.

My main nutritional intake has been throat lozenges.

I did have a bowl of soup around noon.

Tried blogging, but just don’t feel like it.

Tried calling friends, no one wants to talk.

Wife worked from home today, but she knows better than to bug me when I am sick.

So I am going back under the covers and see what tomorrow brings.


  1. I feel exactly the same. Hope you kick it soon! (the bug, not the bucket. LOL)

  2. This way you get the "ISUTHWNFG" out of the way before the good food holidays start.

    Have some hot tea with honey and Jack.. Or any combination of these you like...Works for me.

  3. Same thing going on here. Feel better soon.

  4. too! Only I don't get to climb under the covers...girl has an ear infection. At least someone finally diagnosed her and gave her some meds. You'd think I was asking for a hit on the crack pipe for my baby....geeze...

  5. I think most of North America feels that way right now.

  6. I can bring over my surgical kit, if you like.

    Get well soon, shipmate.

  7. Get well, quickly.

    Your dry cough is suspicious for the flu.

    Of course, you may have caught an epizootic.


  8. Had that about 2 months ago. Don't feel like getting up and doing shit. All I did was lay around and watch the DIY network. The couch has a permanent indention where I was laying. Come to think of it-- a slight cough. Doc gave a shot of Prednisone, did nothing but make me stay awake all night. It'll go away in 10 days. Good luck, Tina

  9. Bummer dude! I had something similar a few months back, but they removed the unborn twin and I'm back to normal again. Feel better soon!

  10. Put in a request for a from the dryer.
    (Ya gotta know how to work it, Coffeeypot.) :)

    P says to feel better soon, too.

  11. Rest up, take a break, recover. We'll be here. Get well soon!


  12. Aw. Get well soon and take it extra easy.

  13. "Ward" likes to get out the bottle of Brandy and shot glass when he feels under the weather... helps his mood at least.
    Hope today is a better day.

  14. Oh no. Sorry you aren't feeling well. That stinks!

  15. Feel better, Dad. Love ya!

  16. Hope you get to feeling better soon! Take it easy. :)

  17. Sucks being under the weather. I've been fighting sinus epizuitus for over 3 weeks. It makes for a cough that isn't pretty. Yucky in fact.

    Hope that you are feeling up to snuff fast.
