Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Canadian Billboards


  1. More liberal than in the US!

  2. LOL!! Love these billboards!

  3. I would love to see some of these along our American highways!

  4. These are great! I love them.

  5. I thought they were funny, too. My favorite one is the KY Jelly sign.

  6. Now this is some good laugh material.

  7. Very nice. Thanks for the laugh!

  8. almost none of them are from Canada except for the one about the delicious delicious dead animals

    Do you really think the us army advertises in Canada

    It is not called exxon in Canada thats your political corectness problem not ours

    And except for the few real ones all clearly photo shopped

  9. Razorback, thank you. You may be right on some of them, but Canada is so fucked up it is easy to beleieve they could all be from there.

  10. You are so wrong Canada is the greatest english speaking nation on earth and depending on your values the greatest nation period. we have more freedoms and less violence than america. more freedom and less taxes than europe. and we have the natural resources to own the 21st century. already we own the american economy and we are positioned to own China's. We have the oil, gold, deamond, iron, lumber, grain and fresh water resources to crupple you
