Monday, November 02, 2009

Change You Can Believe In and Just Plain Silly

I don't care what political party you belong to, but I ask, can you imagine Barbara or Laura Bush or any other American President and his wife ever appearing in public dressed this Way? He looks like the Chicago Pimp that he really is.

Equally as silly:


  1. That's quite the costume on Michelle.

  2. When you're popular, you can do anything and get away with it.

    But let Bush, McCain or Palin reach up and scratch their head, and it's a freaking field day with the media.

  3. Matty you are partially right. He is not as popular anymore except in the Liberal Socialist media, but he is a Democrat and thus gets a free ride. Regardless, he has no class, only a narcissistic, over inflated ego. He is not Presidential material.

  4. Is that a real picture? Sure, I could google that sh*t, but I'm mainlining caffiene and therefore just typing this message is maxing out my abilities.

    Anyhoo, what the hell is Mrs. Obama supposed to be? The long formal skirt, matched with a bikini top, finished off with 30lbs of pearls. Ack, all kinds of wrong... on so many levels.
    But I guess when you have a huge portion of the population brainwashed, you can get away with this sort of wackiness.
    Great... now we can look forward to crazy liberals dressing like this on a regular basis.

  5. What an idiot.
    How can you have any respect left for the moron when he dresses up like a pimp? Not that I had any respect for him to begin with...

  6. Wow that pictures speaks volumes about him.

  7. Is that photoshopped? If not, Michelle has a killer bod. Babs Bush couldn't have pulled that one off.

  8. I am beyond scared.

  9. Heh, The African American Sonny and Cher!!

  10. Photoshop people. Photoshop. Just laugh, it's funny. ;)

  11. He only wishes he could pimp... oh wait! HE DOES! Friggin ASSHAT

  12. That's photoshopped!
    Dayum.... I do believe they gave her Beyonce's body!

    I'LL TAKE THAT!!!!

  13. You people who think this is a real photo are just plain sad. I weep for your lack of intellect and lack of critical thinking skills. Morons.
