Sunday, November 22, 2009

Speaking of Tattoos

Speaking of tattoos, there was a guy on my ship that had a fly tattooed on the head of his penis. The fly looked very similar to this one, only it was right on the head. How drunk do you have to get to have that done?

Better yet, what in the name of The Most Holy Hell would possess a man to do this to his to himself?

How much booze? How much and what kind of drugs would he have to take no to feel the unholy pain this had to produce. And it couldn’t have been done in one setting. He had to keep going back for more.

And hell yes, I am jealous of the size. But it is not a coloring pole.


Some people will do anyhting to look pretty.


  1. I think it would be impossible for me to drink that much and still be alive to have a tat put there.

  2. dude must have loved the feel of pain on top of being piss drunk.
    damn ouch...even if it looks wicked :D

  3. I don't think I'd be feeling like some hot lovin' with that thing comin' at matter HOW many drinks I had.

  4. I'm in pain just looking at all that.

  5. Wonder if the guys nickname is now Puff?

  6. DAMN! I wish I had seen this post yesterday...While I was drinking.

  7. Well Good Morning!

    First, the guy with the fly... was he trying to avoid ever getting another BJ in his life? Ewwwwww...

    As for Puff. Ummmmm, wow.

    Now that you've got me thinking. Knowing most woman's reaction to say, a cute little puppy dog, why aren't more guys getting their junk tattoed like that? Lots of ohh'ing and ahh'ing, patting, cuddling, kissing... you get the picture.

    Hey Coffey, I think we just solved your tattoo quandry.

  8. My husband just concluded that Puff would have had to be...errrr, well, at full attention for the duration of getting the tat.

  9. Sorry. me again. Damn stalker box.

  10. Mala-- he would have to be at full attention wouldn't he? I think he used Viagra or something. T

  11. I agree that the pain would have been too much. But Mala’s husband is right in that he would have to have been hard to get this done. My thinking is, if he is soft now, getting that thing hard would have taken so much blood that he would have passed out. Then the artist would put on a cock ring to keep it hard, and…whala…Puff the Magic Shooter.

  12. But think of the great line he can say to women:

    "Would you like to Puff my Magic Dragon?"



    I was all psyched to see the new animated movie, "How to Train Your Dragon."



  13. Wow, that would seriously hurt, showed the hubs and he almost passed out!

  14. Sick!

    I have no tats. Nor do I want any.

    I cannot think of any illustration I would want permanently inked into my skin.

    Have a photo made of yours, coffey… so we may view it.

  15. Oh my gosh! hahhaha I can't believe the penis one!! I can't even begin to think about what I would do if someone whipped that out at me!

  16. Are you sure they aren't yours? One at least?

  17. Good lord! Where do you find these things. Ha Ha
    I showed my hubby and he just shook his head and said that there are probably women out there that would go nuts over something like that.
    Lucky for him I'm not one of them!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Good lord...I just noticed the piercing in addition to the ink!...

    Although if the dude has the pain threshold to endure the tattoo, I guess he wouldn't have a qualm about having a ROD pierced through his, well, rod....
