Saturday, November 07, 2009

Tell It Like It Is About Ft. Hood And The Shooting

There are some awesome writers on my blog roll, (LL and all five of his sites, Nicki Goomba and his compadre’s, Old Blue at Afghan Quest, Sgt. Charlie and Rational Nation to name a few. These patriots post daily entries that tell it like it is and they need to be read world wide.

Today Nicki Goomba post a video from Fox News with Bill O’Reilley concerning the Ft. Hood shooting. I stole it from Nicki for your viewing pleasure.

This is something that you will not hear from the White Pad and Jeraldo or CNN or MSNBC, etc. But it is the truth and needs to be heard. Wake up America and let’s stop this Politically Correct Bullshit.

What do you think?


  1. "Protected Species" or "Protected Minority"

    Do you think the Caucasian Christian will ever have that kind of protection?

  2. Carol, hell no! Diversity and PC is for everyone but...

  3. Pardon my language ..but.."DAM STRAIGHT" this was an act of terrorism.. no PTSD,, not hazzing, or picked on.. he was not worried about going into a combat theater a psyc doc ..come on.. he is a stinking cowardly terrorist..we have to call them as they are,"low life". No firing squad for this traitor... give him to the troops in Ft. Hood & let justice be done..
    my apologies if I'm a little strong for some.. but we have to quit coddling these cowards

  4. Bobby, you are welcome to say what you want and feel on this site without any apologizes. It was an act of terror and he will be dealt with - unless Barry OB steps in and apologizes to the world for us again.

  5. Peters said what needed to be said, and what no one else will publicly admit to.

    Obama apparently learned from his earlier snafu when he "jumped to conclusions" over the arrest of his buddy at Princeton.

  6. you are welcome to say what you want and feel on this site without any apologizes. Work From Home
