Sunday, January 17, 2010

Grandkids Make You Proud

This is my 14 year old grand-hormone, J-Man. If any of you have ever lain awake at night wondering what I looked like as a kid (come-on, you know you have) there it is. He is a mini-me…in more ways than one.

I have been open in dealing with the kids and their questions. Depending on the need to know, the seriousness of the question or the reason dictates how deep the answer goes.

Like last night he was in the basement apartment talking to my step-son and daughter-in-law. Something was said or someone was called a douche-bag. He wanted to know what one was, but Laura and Steven didn’t know how to answer so they told him to ask us. Memaw (Judy) stuttered and tried to come up with an answer. I just told him what one was and why it is used.

He just said, “Really? Eweeee!” and went back down stairs. No big deal.

All this is leading up to the reason for the post. We (mom, dad, and me) have been kidding him about ‘chocking the chicken’ and ‘spackling the ceiling.’ He just laughs and looks a little embarrassed - but he never denied it.

So when I picked the two heathens up for the weekend, J-Man walks up to me with his chest out and proudly said, “Pawpaw, I have put the Master in Masturbating.”

I had tears in my eyes. I was so proud of him. It is so inspiring to see your grandkids excel in something. It makes we want to try harder.


  1. I'm speechless...laughing, crying, shaking my head and wondering if I really read what I just read! My friend, thanks to you the world will forever be an open-minded, open-mouthed planet. I thank you!

  2. Wow, things to be proud of.

    ??? WTF?

  3. AM, out of a deep undivided love for you and your family I bet you not to use me as a roll model.

    CI Dude, my grandkids can have a loose bowel movement and I would be proud of their accomplishment. They are the only things in this world that makes me happy. That and Obama being out of office.

  4. Oh.. My... God...

    He needs to come home... NOW!!!!

  5. No freakin' way! He did NOT say that! You are outrageous!

  6. CP, It's good that the simple things in life make you happy.
    My happy days will be when I retire ...from the guard and the PD and move out of Calif. Way far away...where the citizens are human and you can see the stars at night. ( and a few other specifics I won't mention for OpSec)

  7. BlueV, why am I outrageous? He said it. I just passed it along.

    Dude, I do know what you mean. I truly hope it works out the way you want it to.

  8. Art Linkletter said it best"Kids say the darndest things"

  9. Kudos for keepin' it real! Mastery is a good thing, regardless of what it is. You never know when it might someday become an Olympic sport or a lucrative business enterprise.

  10. The commenter ahead of me who mentioned that it could someday be an Olympic sport just caused a visual that I can't seem to get rid matter how hard I try. Keep smilin'.

  11. Tom, I'M ready for the Olympics. The industry is already running, it's call Bengay.

    Val, you dirty girl, suck a lemon. That will get the smile off your face.

  12. Good for him ... and his grandfather who answers any question he has.

  13. He is probably 2 years ahead of where you think he is. Remember how boys are.


  14. I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    Seriously, though. I think it's healthy that you guys can talk about these things without embarrassment. It really helps to shape a person's sexuality and how they view it.

  15. Grizz, Darling. Where ya been? Oct. 09? Miss ya.

  16. O. M. G.

    I can't believe I have this to look forward to with my kidlets.
