Monday, January 11, 2010

I Got An Award

I am so fortunate to have a eclectic group of followers and readers. Almost all of you are super funny while some of your are super heroic and post about the state of the country and the decline of the American way of life under our Socialist Dictator.

But I have one lady who is just full of love and is a great artist and poet.

Mary Stebbins Taitt over at No Polar Coordinates has bestowed on me one of her paintings as an award for, as she put it, “For the good work you did assisting with dog rescues in 2009.”

Mary, darling, I do not do anything but drive a van. All the work is done, and all the platitudes should go to my step-daughter, Dr. Amber and her assistant, Susan. So I will take this award and post it on my side bar in Amber and Susan’s honor. And I send you hugs and kisses for being so sweet and thinking of me.

Thank you!


  1. What a beautiful award and for such a beautiful cause too! And.....YES, Coffey, you DO deserve it...along with your step-daughter and her assistant. The van couldn't drive itself, now could it? You are a definite link in the chain of love for these animals. A toast to you!

  2. How awesome! Congratulations!!!!!

    And without the driver where could anyone or anydog go?

  3. If you're looking for any kind of medals or awards, you don't want to be on my team... We got jack...and I was happy to be under the radar and not noticed...(unless they had some really fu--ed up mission, then they'd send the CI Rolller Dude and his team in to unf--k things.)

  4. Congrats on your award. See how awesome you are!

  5. On now you old humble goat, it takes a lot to drive all those miles, especially with the weather lately. It is no small feat, it is very big and without you the dogs wouldn't get to their destination. So take that award and know you deserve it! ;)

  6. Thanks y'all. Y'all make more of it than I feel, but I appreciate the sentiment.

    Dude, I feel quiet sure you and your ninjas did a great job of un-fucking something into an ideal situation. And from the salad on your chest, I would say you did get a few rewards. Good for you and I am proud to know you.

  7. Yep, when I retire, I can take that rack or ribbons and 2 bucks and get a cup of coffee at Dennys'

  8. No Dude, when you retire you will take that rack of ribbons, your stripes and other meaningful memorabilia and put them in a shadow box and proudly display them on your wall. They are hard won and very few are able to have something like that.

    I'm sure you will also have a shadowbox for you Roller career, too.

    Shut the fuck up and be proud. I am for you. Will you marry me? No! Wait! Forget it. I'm just saying I am as proud of your accomplishments as you should be.

  9. coffeypot...I have a rescued pup and deeply appreciate the efforts by all who helped Luke find his way to our home. Thanks to you and all who make a difference in a dog's life. Nicely done.
    Side note to CI-I would like to be the first to buy you a cup of coffee when you retire :)

  10. That is a lovely award!
    Post it with pride.

  11. Yes. Inspite of yourself - you're a good man.
