Monday, January 25, 2010

If I Die Before You Wake - Dustin Evans

I sent this song by Dustin Evans out earlier today in an email, but this is even better, and for you peeps and future peeps who are not on my email list.

Enjoy...and thank any vets you see...and remember them in your prayers...or send them some good vibes...or find one or two and support them...thanks!


  1. Yesterday, I had lunch with two blue star parents, and also a young 2LT fresh out of basic (and Westpoint) and on his way to report to Ft. Lewis. You can bet I'm sending packages out to this kid. Actually, John, they're all my kids.

  2. I only hope the soldiers realize those of us protesters aren't protesting them...we are protesting that they aren't home where they belong. Each care package we pack and send says the same thing. "Stay safe until we get you home."

    That is a beautiful song.
