Saturday, January 02, 2010

Sarah On The Cover Of VOGUE

My good old ex-Georgia buddy, Charlie over at Sarge Charlie posted this question about Sarah Palen.

I believe it deserves an answer. But I don't know what to say. How 'bout you?


  1. ANY question concerning Sarah Palin deserves the same answer: "Sarah who?"

  2. Sarah who, who has more experience and accomplshed more than ObamaLama.

    Sarah the falke, as apposed to Joe Biden?

    Sarah has more on the ball and more concerned about the USA than any of the bimbo's pictured.

  3. She is one of the greatest publicity magnets of our time though.

  4. That is why I have no respect for the media. It's one thing to disagree with someone. It's another to mock and ridicule them like that. The media people have no morals or ethics. Shame on them, and anyone who laughs at their lame attempts to publicly humiliate people.

  5. I try never to discuss politics on my blog, but I agree with Matty completely.

  6. I agree with you and Matty, too. But I though it was damn funny as it is.

  7. I think she is a publicity whore and that post is high-larious.
