Monday, April 19, 2010

Cellphone Karma


  1. Oh, hilarous!!! Love it!

    Where do you find this stuff?

  2. Your Majesty, I get emails for jokes and videos almost daily form my blogging and non-blogging peeps. I try to pass on the better ones.

  3. Oh my this is funny and great and O M Goddess!
    Terrible too...

  4. Okay... so maybe I deserve some of that cell phone karma but not that extreme and I do turn it off when I am the movies!!

  5. HA! If only it really worked this way!

  6. Wonder if it's possible to hire that squirrel? ;D

  7. Ha! I've got at least one crackberry friend who needs karma to bust a move on her!

  8. I remember that spot when it first came out....still funny. Why do people think we want to here their conversations - in stores, on sidewalks, at a funeral??? I even heard a phone go off during my own Mother's memorial a week ago. Crazy.

  9. Peeps, I know. Some people think they are just soooo important that they HAVE to have their phone on at all times. Sometimes I feel like jerking it out of their hand and throwing it against the wall, because I am that important. :-)

  10. Saw your comment about soft viagra on Moog's blog and just had to come pay you a visit. That video is hilarious! Hope you'll stop by my blog sometime--we're in the same age group! lol

  11. So funny!! Probably has happened...the being on a cell phone at a funeral that is:)
