Thursday, April 08, 2010

A Memory Of A Stay At Stone Mountain

Yesterday J-Man, Bug and I spent the day at Stone Mountain Park.

We went there about a month ago and it was freezing.

Yesterday it was in the 80’s and beautiful except for a slight haze on the horizon. A stranger took this picture of the three of us on top of the big rock.

How big, you ask. Only one percent is showing above ground. It goes 10 miles straight down and has outshoot’s of garnet as far out as 50 miles. The mountain is five miles around the base with a train ride enjoy the whole thing.

The building behind Bug and J-Man is the Stone Mountain Inn. This is were I spent my honeymoon. We had the run of the park and the motel had an indoor and an outdoor pool.

On our 10th anniversary we went back to the motel. It was a surprise and she really like the idea. I’m such a romantic.

I was even able to get the same room we had on our honeymoon. Except this time the quarter meter for the bed vibrator was gone. I had to pull the bed away from the wall and unplug the damn thing the first night we were there.

Anyvibes, the night was pretty much set. She even kept the nightgown from the honeymoon and had it on when she came out of the bathroom. It still fit her and she was just as beautiful.

She slowly crossed the room and kissed me gently and asked, “Are we going to do the same things we did on our night 10 years ago?”

I said, “No! It’s my time to sit on the edge of the bed and cry, ‘It’s Too Big, too big.’”

Of course we are divorced, now.


  1. Nice. There are no words for you. LOL. How do you go from the cute kids and pics to the bed thing?

  2. Ha! Nice trip photos. Funny shit.

  3. Boy, you ain't right.

    Oh, and damn that Stone Mountain, it's a freaking knee scraper. I can say that, I experienced that for myself ;)

  4. We'll take your word on it.

  5. Oh my...if I knew you better, I would just say "DORK". But calling one a whale penis should only be done between the best of I shall keep my mouth shut, until we are the best of friends. So, I will now just say..LOLOL. :)

  6. That Stone Mountain place is magnificent!

  7. I have not been there since I was a kid, wow, nice memories.

  8. Pretty :)

    I bet you're a fun grandpa. Did you teach them how to cuss yet?

  9. Clew: I taught them to cuss... 'cause my daddy taught me! LOL

  10. Thank GOD I set my coffee mug down before reading this.

    Sweet trip photos friend....and as always you somehow managed to work sex into your post. I think you have it down to a science....

  11. "and cry, ‘It’s Too Big, too big."

    Snorfle... you are a bad bad (funny) man!

  12. Bwahahaha!!! You are SUCH a romantic guy.
