Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sister For Sale

Sorry, no postings lately. I’m fighting some Bronchitis and my head feels like it is in a clamp. Coughing, and sniffing and aching. So I have been in the bed most of the day and have a trip planned back to NY, Carmel this time, tomorrow. So I am drugging it up and sleeping as much as I can.

Back in February my sister passed out from low sugar and somehow cut a gash in her leg (probably on a bed spring or corner. It was about three inches long and all the way to the bone. ER tried to sew it up but couldn’t, so she was transferred to the Wound Center at Wellstar Kennestone Hospital. They do not sew up wounds there, but they do medicate and wrap the leg and clean it out every week. So my brother, Sister Stephen, and I take her every week to get it worked on. It now looks like a 38 bullet hole and is getting better. She had to go today.

But because I am sick, Stephen had to take her by himself. Mary is 78 and has to use a walker, and if she moves too fast she gets dizzy. Well, they were working their way out the door to the garage, Stephen had set the lock and had turned to put her pocketbook on the top of the car. Mary fell, hit the door on the way down and it slammed on her little finger. The finger is not only broken, but the meat was pulled off the bone.

Stephen could hear her saying “Open the door, I fell.” but didn’t know she was hurt until he got back in the house. He had to lean into the door to slid her along the floor so he could get in. He called me because I seem to be the only one who can talk to her when she is in a mood. She knows I won’t take any of her shit. Anyway, she refused to go to the emergency room, only to the wound center. I told her that her time slot had already been filled (lie but who cares) and that Kim (the RN who works on her) said she couldn’t do anything until she got her finger fixed.

Mary was afraid to go to the hospital because she thought they would keep her. So I told Stephen, over the phone, to take her to an area emergency clinic about three miles away. She threw a shit fit (all this time sitting in the floor) that she would ONLY go to the emergency room. Stephen and I started laughing at her and then she started laughing.

She was still in the floor because Stephen has Parkinson’s and no strength to lift her off the floor, and we were afraid for me to be around her as she is so susceptible to getting what ever you have. And that is all she needs now.

So Stephen called her son, David, who still lives with her. He came from work, got her up and into the car and took her to the ER. She refused to let us call 911 for an ambulance.

She is a joy. Anyone want her? Cheap! I’m thinking Craig’s List.


  1. I would take her, but I have to work. KL

  2. Hope you are better soon. And rest!

  3. I truly understand that way of thinking. Got several people I've been trying to sell off for years now. NO takers ... yet.

    Hope everything worked out well for your sister.

    Miss Em

  4. Wow, sounds like a blast. Gee, uhm... think I will pass. Figure I will get my payback soon enough with my parents.

    But Hey, Good luck with that! And I wish your sister a speedy recovery!

    PS. "Furek" was the word verification... quite fitting, wouldn't you say?

  5. Good giggly wiggly. I love that woman, but dayum she is a pain in the ass.

    I need to call her.

  6. "They" say -- aging isn't for sissies, and I'm starting to believe them. Dang it! They are wrong about so many things, why couldn't they be wrong about this? (Sorry about your sissie, and I'm sorry you feel bad. Hope the meds work!)

  7. Coffey, I hope you're quickly on the mend.
    And I'm glad your sister isn't still sitting on the floor.

  8. Thanks, guys. I do feel better today and Mary's finger is still bleading some. She is going back to the ER to have them look at it.

    Check back with you peeps Friday night - I hope.

  9. I hope you're starting to feel better. I had Bronchitis not long ago and it is totally miserable.

    OMG, though.. your sister, poor thing!!! I'm glad she was able to laugh at the end of it. Laughter is healing too :)

  10. Oh my goodness. Let's hope that this will be it for awhile. Charisse is a chiropractor and she said in her practice that there is a cold laser that people use to help heal wounds that are stubborn. Sounds like she could use it for her finger, her leg, and her attitude. If you are interested in finding out how to get your hands on one...shoot me an e-mail. I'll make sure she reads it! Holly

  11. The way I see it, all three of you should be living TOGETHER. And JUDY can come live with ME.

  12. WOW! What an ordeal!

    There's humor int he way it is written, but it's very upsetting, too.

    Hope everyone, including you is BETTER!

  13. She sopunds marvellous - I would so love to have that much fire in my bones at that age... she sounds ACE!

  14. Hope you are feeling better and your sister's finger is healing.
    yikes, when it rains, it pours!!!
