Thursday, April 01, 2010

TMI Thursday - A Dump At School

TMI Thursday
Back in the sixties and seventies I was a route-salesman (and eventually a supervisor) for the Atlanta Coca Cola Bottling Co. Over the years I had routes from rural small towns, mom and pop type places and businesses to working routes in downtown Atlanta. Cool job and cool people I worked with along the way.

I’ve had bottles explode on me in the hot summer heat and I have pulled glass out of my arm, hands and legs. Nothing serious, only a few stitches a couple of times. I have seen women giving men blow jobs while riding down I-85 and I-20. I have watched men masturbate from the cab of my truck. One time this guy pulled beside me and kept even with me while he beat off. Pissed me off, so when he started getting faster and short stroking it, I swerved my truck to the left and watched him cum and trying to drive across the grassy medium sideways. Probably the best orgasm he ever had. But I never received any Christmas Cards from him, so I don’t know for sure.

In running the routes, I made deliveries to grammar (or elementary) schools, high schools, Christian, Catholic and Jewish schools and private institutes. Sometimes I would set up the routes so that I could eat lunch in the cafeteria of the various schools. That was back in the day when they actually cooked and served hot, decent lunches for the kids. The teachers and guest (sometimes a parent or two would drop by for a teacher/parent lunch) ate the same food as the kids. Imagine that happening now days.

And sometimes nature would take it’s course and I would have to use the bathroom. If it urge came upon me at a high school, I could go to the boys room. But if I was at a grammar school I would look for a ‘Men’s Room’ because the toilets in the boys room was so small it was like a freefall setting down and I had to look between my knees. So a teachers break room was best.

This day I couldn’t find the men’s room, just a door that said ‘Teachers Only.’ So I went in and began my downloads. I don’t know why I didn’t lock the door. Don’t ask! Don’t know! But anyways, about a minute later this lady teacher came in. She didn’t notice me (though I would have thought the smell would have cause her to look or something - gag maybe) and started taking her blouse off. I had started to say something like, “I’m in here.” or “Excuse me!” or “Wanta wipe my ass for me?” or something, but when I looked thought the space between the door and the partition I saw that she was taking off her blouse. So I thought it better to be quiet and see what was going to happen.

She let her blouse hang from her waist and turned on the water and started to wash off her boobs and neck. I guess she had been outside for recess and was freshening up. Anynipple, she reached in her bra and adjusted her boobs, tugged on her bra to pull it down into place (I guess) and then grabbed her tits on the sides and pushed them up. Looked at them for a second and then put her blouse back on. Leaned over, wiped under her eye, turned and walked out of the room.

I then let out my breath (I had just realized I was holding it) and relaxed with my forearms on my knees. Suddenly I figured I had pushed my luck a bit too far so I loaded up and got the hell out of there. But I have to admit, Best Damn Shit I ever had.


  1. okay besides being totally gross and inappropriate... this made me laugh my ass off!! hahahaha

  2. Boys love to talk about their shit.

  3. Boobs AND a poop, at the same time. Now that's a good day for any man.

    Mazel Tov!

  4. I had a "Best Damn Shit" this morning.

    Whoops, it's not Thursday anymore...

  5. It was a bitch trying to match your speed in traffic, but when I saw you looking so interested at me I just had to oblige. Other than the dented fender, it was a great wnak. If I would have known your name, I would have sent a Christmas card to the Coke Warehouse...

  6. Seriously, you let a woman take off her shirt without knowing you were watching??? What a creep. Glad a child didn't walk in, sick pervert.
