Thursday, May 06, 2010

AGAIN???? Damn!!!

I’m on the road again tonight for an emergency dog transport to NY. Our shelters up there are almost out of dogs and need a few fast. I am driving all that way for six dogs - one a Great Dane. Dudes, that is a big fucking dog. He may have to just lay in the back because we don’t have a cage large enough for him.

The thing is, this is my fourth weekend trip in a row and five out of seven weekends. My butt is not only getting flatter, but it’s getting number, too. Anyone care to give it a massage?

But mostly I haven't seen the grandkids in over a month, and that is definitely not a good thing. I need those little shits in my life.

Anytrip, I’ll check in and read your stuff when I get to the motel on Friday night. May not post or comment, but I will read. So don’t think I’m ignoring you just because I am. By the time I get to the motel, eat, get naked and comfortable, I’m too tired to post. But I will lurk till I fall asleep.

Later, peeps!


  1. Save travels friend! Godspeed

  2. Bless your heart! Travel safe and enjoy your Waffle House breakfast! LOL

  3. Drive safe...and good luck transporint that, dog!

  4. I can totally sympathize with you on the flat, numb butt.

    Safe traveling to you!

  5. Why don't you take the grandkids on your road trip? You know, 2 birds, 1 stone. Plus, I'm certain after 36 hours together in the car, you'll be glad to go another month before you see them.

    BTW, do you mind just continuing north with that Great Dane? I have a wide-open horse farm that he would fit right in well.

    Safe travels. You rock!

  6. You are a good egg.

    Have a safe trip!

  7. Good luck with the dogs.
    And, sorry, I will not massage your butt :)

  8. There is something disconcerting about thinking of you and your sore naked butt in a motel room somewhere ;0)

    Get round to those grandkids mister!

  9. Hey John, if your butt gets numb, pull off into a rest stop. Probably no shortage of volunteers to massage your butt there! Have a safe trip!

  10. I have to say, thanks for helping with the dogs, but why are there not enough homes down your way for the dogs? what is so different about us northerns?...just wondering....anyway, love your blog, you are a riot!! and I agree, there has to be somebody at a truck stop that will massage your tired poor butt (for a cheap price, I might add!!)...
    Safe driving, the weather looks good up our way!!

    Jill from NY

  11. A friend of ours had Great Danes - brilliant pets but they sure need a lot of space. These Guys did OK as they had their own Bedrooms in a 16th Century Hunting lodge with about 10 acres of grounds. Dog heaven.

  12. John, where will you be? I'm off this weekend, and maybe we could get together for lunch or dinner as you pass through eastern PA.

  13. Hope you and Marmaduke make the trip safely!

  14. Hey, Coffeypot - when you get to it, I gave you an award - come check it out!

    Godspeed ~ xo

  15. In my "fosterdog" yahoo group, they are always talking about transfer chains - someone drives a leg (maybe a day or so) then gives the dogs to someone else, who then drives them to someone else, etc. Would something like that work?
    Have a safe trip.

  16. Jill From NY, there are a bunch of us on the road all the time transporting dogs to NY. The animal control laws are so strict that there are not any extra dogs. The dogs I take up are usually gone with in a week and sometimes the new family is waiting on me to arrive. The dog’s pictures are on the web and are chosen just by that means.

    Barb, that is an okay way to transport a dog or two every now and then, but I have found out that it is a pain in the ass to try to coordinate it on a regular bases. Besides, I really do enjoy the driving and the people I deliver to. They are some great people.
