Sunday, May 02, 2010

Still In St. Louis But Thinking Of My Peeps

I'm still in St. Louis but will be going home tomorrow, so there will not be a Redneck Monday - I don't think.

But this has been the greatest weekend I had in many a day. Haven't laughed this much since Max Cleland (the triple amputee who blew his own legs and arm off with a grenade in Nam - and was even worse in the Senate) got voted out of office. He was pissed about it and the more he cried the more I laughed. Well this weekend was even funnier. I was with Travis, Ed, Jeff, Sue, Barb and Daffy. Some of the funniest people to party with, and best looking women in the blogdom world. I’ll post more about it when I can get home and download some pictures.

In the meantime, I will leave you with this little ditty.


  1. That is a good one mr coffeypot, i will be stealing the video. It sounds like you are have a great time, it could only be better if max c was there with you........

  2. I had a great time meeting you too! I wish Barb and I could have played more, but duty (and life) called. From the few tweets and pics I saw it looked like you all had a great time!

  3. Glad you had a great time.
    FYI, we really need so little. I've long held out for American goods when I can get them.
