Sunday, June 20, 2010


I forgot to post the most important picture of all.

I guess you notice that I’ve been away for the past week. You didn’t? Well, I have. Read the damn post before this one. Sheeze! We went to the Orlando/Kissimmee area to visit the House of Mouse with my daughter, Marni, and her crew. IT WAS HOT. I so have a new respect for the troops over in the rock pile and all the equipment they have to wear in their 100 plus temperature. It was in the mid 90’s with high humidity and a heat index of over 108. So hot the birds were pulling the worms out of the ground with potholders. So hot and humid, the t-shirt was sticking to the body with sweat. So much fucking fun. I never want to go back to that place again in the summer time again. Never! Winter, maybe!

Here is a look at the Magic Kingdom from across the lagoon. I didn’t take that many pictures because everything you want to see can be seen online. I have a few of the grandkids and the family, and I’ll show some later.

The greatest think I discovered is the electric scooter. On the first ride, at Space Mountain, I hurt my back. Too much jerking and twisting in the dark and no sex was involved. Without being able to see what’s coming, I couldn’t brace myself properly so I was slung around like a pair of long-johns on a clothes line in a tornado. So Monday was pretty much a wash for me. Soar and hot and shit. I went back early and came back for the rest of them that evening.

On Tuesday we decided to take it easy on the old man and rented an electric scooter (wheelchair). And it was the best thing ever. We got to go to the head of the line at all the rides and shows and I loved it. The rest of the week I didn’t need it, but got it anyway. No long lines for us. Loved it.

This is the gang before I got hurt. They look so happy. Little did they know what was in store for Paw Paw.

And here is the gang with Mickey.

Regardless of the heat, we had a blast and many laughs. It was all for the grandkids and the memories they will have.

But the best thing is…I’M HOME.


  1. "slung around like a pair of long-johns on a clothes line in a tornado"
    omg, you crack me up!
    Glad you had a nice time!

  2. Oh crap...If I ever have to ride in one of them things, i want a Ford V-8 supercharged with dual exhaust. Glad you didn't get hurt too bad...them kiddy rides can be a killer.

  3. Glad you survived. I think you look great in the scooter!

  4. I know what you mean about those wild rides and old age. Those twisting, turning, rocking coasters do a number on my neck. I did that space mountain ride 4 years ago with my daughter.

    Glad to see you survived. Looks like a great time for everyone. I'll have to keep that scooter thing in mind for my next visit.

  5. Sorry you injured your back but glad you had fun on the scooter.

    Memories are what one always wants to create for the "Wee-Ones" to be able to look back on and know that they were loved.

    Thrilled that you made it back in One piece.

    Miss Em

  6. nancyrussellcampSun Jun 20, 10:23:00 PM

    "too funny coffey - and hey nice legs - too"

  7. "scooter pix cute - nice legs" and thats one way to get to the front of the line - looks like everyone had a good time - so glad - and glad u made it home in one piece -

  8. Sounds like quite a time. Good call with the scooter!

    For what it's worth, my parents took my nephew and my brother's family in early January. Lines weren't bad, and temperatures obviously were much more comfortable.

  9. I'm waiting for all the photos with you and the Disney Princess' (grins evilly)


  10. I need to get one of those things. Did it have a cup holder?

  11. Great pics! Love the t-shirt. LOL. Looks like a great trip!
