Wednesday, June 02, 2010

To All Obama Voters

I got this today...enough said.


  1. Some people are clearly not afraid to speak their minds.

  2. I need that to go along with my "don't blame me, I didn't for for Bush" bumper sticker.

  3. CP,
    I'm not sure what it means, but I've been making note of how many Hybred cars I see with bumper stickers all over the back....
    around here I've not seen one with any republican stickers.
    just an observation, not sure if it means anything.
    Let me know what you and other notice.

    (oh yeah, and that assholebush sent me to Iraq for a year for no reason.)

  4. Dude, being from a state that keeps sending people like Pelosi, Boxer and Feinstein back to Washington, I don't doubt there wouldn't any republican stickers. And there may not have been a reason for you to go to Iraq, but there were plenty of reasons for the rest of our guys to go. And there was a need for mess cook repairmen, too. You did what you do and did it well.

  5. we had a "Support our Troops" magnet on our car when we went to Portland to visit family. Someone stole it.

  6. I love freedom of speech, even if I don't agree with it. Go USA ... the part that can make a real difference, its people!

  7. Ward won't let me put any stickers on the car that bash Obama because of the state we live in. He would be pissed if he had to replace a window because some loser couldn't handle the fact that he fucked up by voting the bastard into office!
