Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Story Of The Star Spangled Banner

My prayer is that America will never live on her knees subservient to others and that our leaders will NEVER bow to another leader ever again.

Let your kids see this and pass it along to those you love.  It is a lesson we all need to learn and heed.


  1. was this posting supposed to be a video? I just got a big blob og ehite where your posting is supposed to be.

  2. It's working on my end...go see it on youtube, http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=Iwa-lSVqA1M&vq=medium

  3. It's a great story. Couldn't they have got George W Bush to tell it though?

  4. Terry, thanks for stopping by all the way from across the pond. I would love to have seen GWB tell the story, but this guy was better. He is Dudley Rutherford, senior pastor of Shepherd of the Hills Church in Porter Ranch, California. This the first nine minutes of the sermon delivered on the Fourth of July.

  5. This is just what we love here.

    Thank you. my 3 boys loved it. We watched in on YouTube.

    Peaceful new year to you!

  6. Your Majesty, the way the liberal school system is teaching history today, every school child from K-12 should see this every year.
