Thursday, March 03, 2011

Laughing Baby

You are never too young to start smoking dope.

Wonder what he's like at feeding time. Does the word Parana come to mind.


  1. Hope he won't get spanked when he starts tearing pages out of books. There is just nothing like a baby giggle!

  2. That was so sweet! He was even trying to tear some too!

  3. Replace the baby with my husband and the pages with my heart and you've got a perfect representation of my life! Beautiful really!

  4. dc, one of my favorite sounds his hearing my grandkids laugh.

    Gayle, it amazes me the things that get a kids attention. And their brain is like a sponge.

    TMMW, do I hear a manic, hysterical laugh there?

  5. Saw the little guy on the news. Funny shit.

  6. I would rip up paper all day long to get that reaction. So cute
