Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day - 30 March, 2011

Thanks and Welcome Home Guys

Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day from Dave Perkins on Vimeo.

Today, 30 March, is officially Welcome Home Vietnam Vets Day so I want to say ‘Thanks and Welcome Home’ Charlie, Chris, Dennis, Butch, Jimmy, James, Larry Wayne, Marlin, Ronnie, Billy, Mike, and all the other West Fulton High boys who made the trip. You are better men for it.


  1. Welcome Home, to all Veterans, of all the efforts to make our world better and safer. Bless you all.

    LYLT, darlin'

  2. Yes, welcome home, and thank you.

    God bless you.

  3. Welcome back. We appreciate your service.

  4. Welcome home! Thanks for your service.
