Friday, May 27, 2011


This is the Elmo Geek Family.

It was Friday in Panama City Beach which is also the day for wearing of the red.  Judy and I wear red every Friday to show support for our men and women in the service of our country. 

I had on my red Navy association shirt and Judy and Bug had matching Elmo shirts. (aaahhhhh)  But Mater didn’t have a red shirt (not a very cool color for a 15 year old) so we stopped off at Wal Mart to find him one.  The only red shirt he liked or that would fit was the Elmo shirt, so that was that.  So…after he chose his shirt, all three looked at me. “Not on your life.” said I. “No way, no how, not today.”

After we paid for the two shits, Mater and I changed at the car.  Then we headed for home.  We stopped in Dothan, AL, for lunch and a gracious lady took the picture above with my cell phone.  Geeky huh?

Here is Mater and Bug on the balcony of the motel and a view of the beach below.  The weather was perfect, slight breeze and very warm.  But the waves…they were vicious.  I got hit in the back with one and was knocked to my knees.  

Pissed me off!  I got up, turned into the waves and yelled, “Come on, give me your best shot.”  When a big one came in I would knock the shit out of it with a one-two swing of the fist.  I got the best of the waves for about 10 minutes, but had to back off because I got winded.  The waves have no wind to worry about and just kept coming.  I guess the Gulf won after all.

Anyvacation, we are back home now, sore but happy.  I hope y’all had a good week, and that you are praying for those in the mid-west.  Those dudes are betting beat up pretty bad.  At least send good vibes, if prayer isn’t part of your lifestyle.


  1. The shirts look very Sesame Street. My granddaughter would love them.

  2. Hey Elmooo...I mean, Coffey. I too was beat-up by an ocean. Threw me down quite a few times. Once I "escaped" it's grip, I discovered my legs were bleeding. Yeah, the bottom of the water was all broken shells.

  3. YOu sexi Emo-Clan you! :)

    whoops.. Elmo.. Elmo... :D

    Glad you had the best of times


  4. At least you could all find each other easily. The shirts remind me of the tourist groups that used to go to Disney World all in the same color shirt and the leader would have a flag of the same color. When the group needed to get together he'd yell and wave the flag and they'd come running.

  5. LOLOL! I love the shirts and your family. Oh...and you, too. :)

  6. Elmo shirts? really? LOL... the Gulf can really whoop some ass when it wants to. I have an irrational fear of rip tides!

  7. Nice shirts. Looks like a great vacation. Glad the weather was nice for you all. Also, I'm in Southern Indian, and we had some tornadoes here this past week. Thanks, for thinking about us.

  8. Loved the shirts Mr.Coffepot! Your family is beautiful! Sorry the waves kicked your ass, but you probably had it coming for some reason or other! I adore you!

  9. Joplin is very close to me and we are so sad and feel so helpless. Dread our first trip up in a couple weeks and finding the Dr. that we have an apt with. Many have relocated to other buildings as there were alot of offices close to the hospital. They are doing great things there.

  10. Suz, yep, we have good taste in our attire.

    Anonymous, they are ELMO shirts, so yeah, they are Sesamie Street looking…I think. I haven’t seen the show years.

    MC, no one knows the power of the ocean until they have been battered around a few times. You can whoop Ma Nature.

    Pax, Thankee, Ma’am.

    Stacy Lynn, I know! Bug wanted to tell everyone in the restaurant that we were the Elmo family coming home from an Elmo family reunion. We felt like geeks, but had fun with it, too.

    Jamie, I do have the bestest grandkids in the world, even if I do say so myself. Luves ya, too.

    Ali, it sure can, but for riptides, don’t panic and swim parallel to the shore until you get out of one. They are only a few yards wide.

    Sandra, me lovely! I’m just glad the ocean wasn’t my karma for what I deserve. I would have been beaten to a pulp and washed ashore in Guam or someplace. I have a lot to atone for…

    dc, dude, I’m glad you and yours are okay. I hear there were many heroes that night at the hospital, too. I hope your Dr. and friends are okay, too.

  11. Hey, looks like Judy is packing your happy meals!
    Yeah, the ocean kicked my ass real hard a few times, instant and extreme exfoliation.

  12. Ha! Looks like a good shot for your Christmas cards this year.

  13. Love the family picture! So cute! Looks like you are off to a great summer of fun and family. Enjoy!

  14. Good for you, stepping up and wearing Elmo. Sounds like y'all had a great time.

  15. Wow, you all had a nice vacation!!!
