Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Peeps!  Thank you all for your thanks for my service, but dudes, I'm not dead yet.
This day is for the ones who have gone on to Eternal Duty guarding the streets of gold, protecting the skies of blue and the calm, balmy seas.  Silently thank them for their sacrifices.

***That’s All! Carry On!***


  1. Thinking of you and all who have served today...and always!

  2. I echo AirmanMom...

    Thank you!

  3. thanks for your service mr coffeypot

  4. We salute you! *Hugs*

  5. AMEN, Brother Coffey!!! Thanks for serving! MLYLT!!!

  6. Thank you all, for your thanks, but dudes, I'm not dead yet. This day is for the ones who have gone on to eternal duty guarding the streets of gold, protecting the skies of blue and the calm, balmy seas.

  7. this is my Take,I honored those the have gone before as a Boy Scout placing flags at their headstones,as an adult I honored those that have gone before by donning a USAF uniform.I am greatful to those that have served both living and gone,those that are serving and those that will.

  8. Great words on a day to honor great men and women of all service.

  9. Thanks for your service, so glad you're not dead yet!
    PS: Yes, you can vote for that contest. The little thumbs up icon is on the right hand side.
    And I've been called mean things by more than one person. If you were going to break all of their fingers, I suspect you'd be too busy to blog, and that would suck! Then who would post pics of their family wearing Elmo shirts!
