Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Rolling Thunder and A TRUE MARINE

The Lone Marine.  SSgt. Tim Chambers has held a salute while every single motorcycle passes him, for the past six Rolling Thunders!  Look at the crowds!!!  Pure awesomeness!!!

Every Memorial Day the Rolling Thunder bikers from across the nation gather in Arlington, Virginia, and roll through Arlington Cemetery in a salute to our fallen from all wars.  Imagine SSgt. Chambers standing there with all the bikers riding by, the noise of the bikes and the salutes and accolades he receives as they pass.  And he doesn't move (though in one video he does seem to shed a tear.)

What makes this one even more awesome, SSgt. Chambers held that salute (for over an hour I’m sure for the thousands of bikes to ride by) with a broken wrist.   

According to Airman Mom, one of the riders this year, he refused to have a cast put on until after the Rolling Thunder passed by.  

Simper Fi, SSgt.  You are one of the best.


  1. Shit! I think I got a tear in MY eye now! Very touching. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Awesome, thanks for letting us know.

  3. Great story - thanks for sharing!

  4. Theres just little in life that matches this...

  5. coffeypot...thanks for sharing this amazing story!

  6. You made my eyes leak a little with this one, coffeypot. Thanks.
