Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Fireworks With The Grand Kids and Dumb Asses

Woodstock had her Fourth of July fireworks tonight.  They were gonna have them last night (on the 4th – duh) but a storm came thought and put a damper on all the matches, so to speak.


So the powers that be decided to have them tonight.  The above is about as good as I could get that a crackberry and a parking lot light in the way.  Hey! You want a professional shot, go to Google.

Anylightshow, the grand kids and I had some beach chairs in the back of my pickup in the parking lot of the Home Depot.  And to kill time we made fun of the people pulling in and trying to park and watching others that were walking around.  That can make for some funny observations (if you know how to make wise cracks and snide remarks that make the kids laugh.)

Then we got to watching this guy.  He was parked and in HD shopping, I guess.  In the meantime this big 4WD truck with a huge chrome bumper made for pushing cars or stuff pulled in behind him.  He pulled in close and left to go sit on the bank overlooking the road and the fireworks display area. (Loews and Target are across the road and the fireworks were being set off behind Target.)

So, Mr. Genius comes back and wants to pull his chairs out to sit in front of his van for the show.  But he and his son keep looking at the back of his van and the bumper of the truck.  He tries to open his back hatch and pull the chairs out, but the hatch will only open about a foot.

He closes the hatch and walks to the other side and tries it again.  Funny thing! The door still only opens the same foot.  So they open the side doors of the van and wrestles the chairs over the seats and out the side door.  Victory!

I hadn’t said anything, but I look at the grand kids and ask if they had been watching. They had.  I asked what they would have done differently to make it easier.  Bug said, “I would have pulled forward a couple of feet and got the chairs out, then back up a couple of feet.”  Mater said that it was so obvious.  They made me proud.  I don’t have dumb asses for grand kids.

Some people cannot think out of the box.  They only see in two dimensions.  If he had just taken a second and step back and look at the situation and ask himself how can I solve this problem he could have saved some time and labor.  But he only saw the bumper on the truck and his hatch.

The kids earned a fist bump for the old Paw Paw.  They are almost as brilliant as me.

But the fireworks display…seen one you’ve pretty much seen them all.  So we made fun of everyone over the ooohs and awes.  That was more fun.  I truly love hanging with the little shits.


  1. Working with the public...all I can say is it is a scary world! Honestly, how do people function? I thought perhaps they only took a stupid pill before entering the garden center...but I believe most just OD on stupid pills. No common sense at all..or perhaps you, me and your grandkids are geniuses in disguise.
    Oh well...make it a good Wednesday!

  2. that reminds me of the story I heard years ago about a truck that got stuck under an underpass. Traffic was backed up - a tow truck had been called, the police arrived and was rubbing his chin looking up at the trailer stuck tight in the opening.

    A little boy rode up on his bike -- and said "Hey mister, why don't ya just let a little air out of them tires and back it out of there?"

  3. Yep, them some smarties you got there.

  4. At least you were able to make it a learning lesson for the grand kids. Hehe

  5. Dumb asses and fireworks have a few things in common. They're both fun to watch from a safe distance....and after so many years, they get kind of repetitive.

    It's good though, to revel in a new generation's wonder and appreciation!

  6. I bet you like to go to Walmart and make fun of all the folks there, if you don't have goofy folks, come on down here to SW Mo. we have em to spare!
