Sunday, September 11, 2011

Saturday Found Me At Jug Tavern

I was here:

Saturday was a fun day – for a change.  No working on the new house or worrying about David.  Instead I was in Winder, GA, at a BBQ Cook-off and festival.   It was held in a very nice park named Jug Tavern Park (beer was even sold – though I didn’t’ partake.)  However, I like the name.

Dr. Amber had a site set up among the tents and did her part in making people aware of the need for spay and neutering.

She had three cages set up for dogs and three set up for cats (in the background behind me.)  In the first of each there were four dogs and three cats.  That represented the first day at the shelter.  The next cage was one week later with 27 cats and 68 dogs and by the end of the month there is 75 cats and 127 dogs.  This represented the number of pets dropped off at a shelter…on top of what was already there.   The good thing was, for $2.00 you could adopt one of the stiffed animals, complete with an adoption certificate and ‘Dr.’ Judy (dressed in a surgical mask and rubber gloves) gave each animal a shot and put a band aide to show that they were healthy and had been ‘fixed’.

Amber and Susan also handed out treats for those who had cats or dogs at home.  But the highlight was the game for the kids.  Yep, I was the highlight…as usual.

I got to sit in the sun and roast.  Luckily the temperature was in the 80’s and a breeze helped.  But just sitting in the sun is like being in an oven.  I forgot my cap, so my head and ears are sunburned, but the kids were happy.

This was the scene all day long with kids dropping a quarter in the water and picking out a duck for a prize on the table.  It was a blast.  I love little people and they were so excited about dropping the quarter in the water.  Some of the little ones reached down to grab money, but a swift whack across their mouths put an end to that shit right fast.

We set up the pace around eight that morning and tore it down at six that afternoon.  We were a set of sweat drenched volunteers.  It seemed that when I smiled my face would crack with dried sweat and salt.  But it was a good feeling, because we introduced many people to the new shelter Amber and Susan opened in Winder, and made several opportunities for people to call and make an appointment to have their pest fixed.  

If you have a four-legged child and they are not fixed, consider having it done - especially if you let them outside for their constitutional alone.


  1. Sounds like a good day indeed!

  2. It sounds exhausting, but what a great interactive display! The future of animal rescue/welfare lies in teaching the CHILDREN about the importance of neutering.

  3. Excellent post and thank you for volunteering. Glad you taught those kids a lesson -- you know, smacking the little shits.

