Saturday, October 03, 2009

Home and Tired

I’m home now and very tired. But it is a good tired. I stayed in Chattanooga last night and got an early start today. I took Chuck and Maryann down to my neck of the woods.

We started off in the town of Kennesaw (Big Shanty of the Great Locomotive Chase fame) and visited the museum where the train, General, is housed. Then we went to Kennesaw Mountain and the battlefield park. We ran all over the top of the mountain seeing views of downtown Atlanta, Mid Town and Buckhead on the Southern horizon and Kennesaw, Lost Mountain and Acworth Mountain on the North West. It was very cloud and sprinkling rain so Stone Mountain to the East was kinda hazy.

We then went to a major battlefield of the Kennesaw campaign, Cheetheam Hill. There are still cannons and dirt forts there and the ditch’s (rifle pits) for the infantry to fire down the hill at the charging Yankees. There is a monument to a 1st Coffey from Ohio, who was mortally wounded and buried at that spot about 20 yards from the trenches. Why one man, of all those killed, have a marker is beyond me. He was dug up and moved to the National Cemetery in Marietta.

Then we went to Woodstock, met my wife, and had dinner at the Right Wing Café. It is a cool restaurant in the old train station and is dedicated to anything Republican. Go here to see the menu.

Then I took them back to Chattanooga and came home. It was a good two days. But my ass is dragging. TTYL, Peeps!


  1. Welcome back! I'm here getting caught up on a week's worth of blog reading, now that I can actually sit up on the couch without my head exploding!!!! Happy Saturday!

  2. Julie, I'm gald you are feeling better and among the living again.

  3. It always takes me about a week to recover from my vacation.

  4. Getting home from a trip makes us love our own bed doesn't it?
