Thursday, October 01, 2009

Out Of Town - Kinda

Thank all of you for commenting on my last two or three post and I haven’t commented back because I am in Chattanooga visiting one of my old Navy buddies who is here for a reunion with his other ship.

You have heard me mention Quartermaster Chuck? He and his wife, Maryann, and I spent the day in GA at the Chickamauga Battle Field. This is such a quiet and beautiful park of several thousand acres of fields and trees. I could live here forever.

Tomorrow I am taking them down to Kennesaw, GA, to the site of the beginning of the Great Locomotive Chase. Then over to the Kennesaw Mountain and Cheatham Hill Battle Sites. I miss you guys. I have been receiving your comments on my BB, but can’t comment back as I am driving and talking and pointing and explaining and shit. So please accept this as my comment to you.

Thanks, peeps, See y’all tomorrow night.


  1. Seven hours West and you'd be in my neck of the woods.

  2. Safe travels! We await your return with baited breath...

  3. Griz, I know...I like that neck of the woods, too.

    Daffy, keep worms in your mouth? Is that a new treatment for Type 1?

  4. I left you something at Stir-Fry. I'm working on the post right now. It should be up soon.

  5. kyslp, thank you, I think! If it is a restraining order, I'll add it to the pile. If it's an offer for super sex, I'll take the soup. But you must know that I am bi-sexual. You buy me something and I get sexual...I think. Never happens. Just restraining orders.

  6. Have a great time. Fill us in on everything when you get back.

  7. Oh, and happy belated birthday! I have been so busy, and I just plain suck! Hope it was incredible!

  8. Everyone seems to be getting away for a few days at the moment. Maybe I need to do the same thing.

    Enjoy your trip (or what's left of it)

  9. Hi! Hope you're having fun :)

    - your best Fwiend

  10. LOL daffy has worms in her mouth!

  11. I've posted several stories from when my husband was in the Navy (on a submarine)

    On WR's birthday we received a wonderful surprise. I got a message on my email from one of his old mates who was on the sub with him -- found the story and my blog when googling for info

  12. We still like you Mr Coffeepot!

