Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Kind Of Gal

My kind of girl...

A teacher asks an Arkansas Redneck Girl to use "handsome" in a sentence.

She says, "When I'm suckin' dick and my jaw gets sore I use my handsome."

So sweet...brings tears to my eyes.

Now I have nothing against Arkansas, peeps.

I just thought this was as funny as Obama being a Christian.


  1. must be gay, and for obama, oh well...

  2. Obama has used his handsome on American people and there are still about 40% who really like it. However, I don't think any of them drink tea...

  3. Lol, laughed at the post and LL's response!

  4. Sarg, had to be gay and a well is a good place for him.

    LL, A few are pretending to drink tea at the parties, but spit it out because the truth taste bad to them.

    Aleta, glad you could laugh.

    Yogi, guilty.

    Lilu, That pretty much describes it.

  5. That's MY kind of gal too.

    She's brunette.

  6. Welp, I go to work then come back to my home, turn this dang contraption on and find that find the Coffeypot dreaming a fantsy again and my key-board is just starting to melt and get all
    LOTS OF LUCK on getting that one.

    Miss Em.

  7. This is one of those thoughtful posts that get me thinking so I've thought about your thoughtful post and I have figured out the girl's dilemma. I really have.

    I think that her brothers may or may not be gay, there is no telling, but her daddy is definitely gay.

    So that is my thoughtful thought for the day. I hope this helps.
