Wednesday, April 28, 2010

This Old Dog Is Lucky - He Met Amber

This is my daughter, Dr. Amber, holding one of her broken dogs. This little guy was running down the road when Amber saw him. As usual, she stops of any loose dogs and checks for id. This one not only had no id, but his jaw is broken.

He cannot close it and Amber has to feed it soft food so he can lick it up. He is so sweet, but they are having a hard time saving him. He is old, has bad teeth that has the bone infected and they don't know how long the jaw has been like this. She and another vet are trying to clear up the infection so they can build a muzzle type brace for his jaw - tight enough to hold it, but loose enough so he can eat and drink.

This is the type of stuff she does. She has no office to practice, though she does have an operating room in an industrial building. She goes all over North Georgia doing low cost spay and neutering for the county shelters.

When she goes into a shelter, she goes to the death room and chooses dogs that are adoptable, fixes them and sends them to NY on my dog trips.

She runs a nonprofit organization and can use donations. If you have the urge, go to and give a little love (the dollar kind - she gets the emotional kind from me, Judy and her boyfriend, Bob).

Thanks, and keep your fingers crossed for the old guy.


  1. Awww, the poor guy. Whatever could have happened to him! I don't think I want to know. I'm just glad Dr. Amber found him. Godspeed, little doggie! xoxo

  2. Dr. Amber is the awesome.

  3. She's incredible! And I'd have to bet that anyone who comes across Dr. Amber is fortunate.

  4. Poor little doggie. You guys have good hearts.

  5. Awww...look at that face. He's such a cutie! I certainly hope he recovers so someone can give him all the lovin's he deserves.

  6. What a wonderful person...old dog certainly was lucky cross paths with Dr Amber~!

  7. Poor little guy. Your daughter is awesome for taking him in. I hope he makes a full recovery.

  8. omg. you just made me cry. dammit. so much for the tough-guy-pharmacy-princess-act I was planning on showing you in 2 days.
    Yay for Amber. She and Barb would totally hit it off. Seriously.

  9. That Amber is something else. Really makes me proud... as I know she does you.

  10. Wow, you raised her up right. That is quite a story about what she does. I feel so bad for the dog.

  11. Wow! That is so kind of you. God bless you.
