Thursday, April 21, 2011

Virus Attack - Help Is On The Way

Sorrry, Peeps!  The PC has a virus.

911'ed it and healing hands will be here tomorrow.

Till then...Y'all have a great night.


  1. Hope your computer is a good boy and keeps his virus to himself!

  2. That stinks. Do you know how you got it? I've just started using the AVG ThreatLab website: and guides on which websites to avoid. I haven't had any virus issues in weeks.

  3. jhn671, the pc mechanic/doctor/healer said it probably came in on the back of a download via Java Script. That is a popular way to get into you system. It sets there for a time reworking your settings. Explorer is the most common way, too. It is the easiest to infiltrate the system. That is why I changed to Firefox.
