Thursday, June 03, 2010

On The Road Again

My philosophy exactly.

And with work in mind, I leave tonight for my, it seems like twice a month will be a regular thing now, bi-monthly transport trip to NY.

See y'all later. Will check in on Friday night while nude blogging from the motel.

Steady, girls. Control yourselves.


Barb said...

could you make that a vlog on Friday night?

Lickety Splitter said...

Whooo hoooo!!! Got the visual. Hurry back!

Mala said...

always leaving us wanting more!

Safe travels Coffey!

ScoMan said...

If I give more on Thursday can I give less on Wednesday? Or are those percentages locked in?

Biddie said...

NUDE blogging, you say...:)

Special K said...

Have a safe trip! While you are nude blogging, thouht I would let you know I am back blogging. Not nude but, well. Ok maybe a little.

Golden To Silver Val said...

Stay safe and keep both hands above the desktop.

Miss Em said...

Nude bloggin...
My poor brain went straight to the icky gutter part now my thoughts need a good washin with bleach.
Hope the dryer can melt that visual line that now seems to be in a loop.
No picture loopin visual is more than enough.


Miss Em

Unknown said...

wishing you safe travels!
oh my, oh my....nude blogging?

gayle said...

Oh I am trying to control myself!!!