Some days the fish DO catch themselves
WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A placid fishing trip turned “berserk” for
three New Zealand men when a dolphin weighing more than 400 kilograms (900
58 minutes ago
Oh yes. On all counts!
LL – I agree on all but a relative owning a bar or pub. I did, however, have to uncles who made some mighty good white lightning. Safe, too. No radiators or such. They made their own stills and filers from lean metals. In fact, my first road trip, when I got my driver’s license was to take my brother’s car with a trunk full of the nectar of the gods to Chattanooga, TN – before I-75 was built down to Atlanta. I got paid $50 for my round trip and a royal ass chewing from my dad.
St Patrick Day is for amateurs.
WSF- Any holiday that requires heavy drinking is one I celebrate in my recliner at home. Too many newbies and accomplished imbibers on the road to suit me.
I'll drag out my bottle of whiskey and drink a toast to you friend.. right after I help "BB" celebrate his birthday....that is if there's any thing left in the bottle.
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