Monday, July 14, 2008

Husband Of The Year

Looks like me and Sweet Tea!


Pamela said...

I like that old commercial where she hollars back "Get it urself, bub!"

Southern (in)Sanity said...

Wow. That's pretty bad. I hope Sweet Tea doesn't read this.

Cap'n Ergo "XL+II" Jinglebollocks said...

takes a brave man to post something like this. You have removed all blunt and sharp objects from the house before trying this, yes??

Christine said...

He is just looking after her well being. She needs to get up and stretch her legs to prevent cramping. What a great guy.

Coffeypot said...

pamela, I guess she is trainged better.

rwa, I sent a copy to Sweet Tea, who is in NJ this week. I expect to be hearing from the divorce lawyers any day now.

cap'n, as I told rwa, Sweet Tea is out of town, and when she gets back I will be on a dog run to NY.

christine, she didn't have to get up. All she had to do was twist the top off one of the bottles and send it back.

e.Craig Crawford said...

Timing is critical in posting this kind of stuff. Hopefully Sweet Tea will have forgotten this by the time you return from your dog run. So .. you timed it right.