Sunday, January 04, 2009

All Alone Am I...WHAT???


Judy and her mom were to go to New Jersey today. Judy for two to three weeks for work, Dot to go home. They decided to fly Air Tran together so Dot didn’t have her broom. Dot gone, Judy away for awhile, the house all to myself… all was good with the world.

The grandkids went with me to the airport to drop them off before I took them back home. On the way back from their house I get The Call. The flight has been cancelled. WHAT???

It seems that a flight with over 250 paying people had to be cancelled because the pilot had too many hours and they couldn’t get another pilot into Atlanta because of the whether someplace. So all these people had to reschedule their flights – the earliest available being 6:30 tomorrow. WHAT???

So 250 people had to reschedule and they had only ONE person at the desk to handle all these very unhappy people. She deserves a medal.

Subsequently, it took over three hours for Judy to get to the desk. She requested a refund for herself because she was traveling on company time and money and must be in NJ on Monday morning. No problem. She had her company contracted travel agency find and rebook her another flight. She was sent to Mid West Air for a flight leaving in 4 hours. It will take her from Atlanta to Milwaukee where she will have about 2 minuets to change flights to LaGuardia in New York. We arrived at the airport around 9:30 a.m. and her flight to Milwaukee will leave at 5:20 p.m. Also, Avis is her preferred car rental and had a car waiting for her in Newark. However, due to all the changes she tried to switch the reservation to LaGuardia. Her normal rental for two plus weeks is around $250. They wanted $580 to make the switch. So she canceled the reservation and went to National where they charged her $239, give or take. I love that AVIS will not get a fucking cent.

In the mean time, Dot wasn’t able to get a flight until Tuesday morning. I had to bring her back home. WHAT???

But before that I had to try to retrieve her suitcase which has all her medicine and a bag with Judy’s cosmetics. But because it took three hours to get to the desk, the suitcase was loaded on the next flight to NJ and was gone. WHAT???

So I had to sweetly talk those fuckers into returning the bag and delivering it to the house tonight. I expect it around midnight.

So now it’s me and Dot. (cricket, cricket) I will have to get her to the airport around 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday and make sure she gets wheelchair assistance to the gate and a forklift to load her fat ass onto the plain. I chewed her out about sending her broom on ahead, but what can you do? And when I get home I will have to get the van and pick up Elvis and friends to go to Florida.

I’m so fucking happy! :-[
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e.Craig Crawford said...

Gee, Coffeypot .. shit DOES happen.

Olly said...

Oh...Gee...that's so...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Sorry. It's just so enlightening to see that someone other than me can have such shitty things happen to them. Really, you would think that with the holidays over, we could all just get on with it. I got rid of my guests and have big plans for work tomorrow - but wait - we seem to be having another unschedules snow storm...

Jan said...

Lordy have mercy! You need a case of beer after all that shit! LOL

Southern (in)Sanity said...

Wow. I have to agree with e.Craig. If that isn't a perfect example that "shit happens," nothing is.

Hope you survive until Tuesday morning with Dot!

Brother Dave said...

I will keep my big mouth shut and not mutter "Karma."

Actually, that is the kind of shit that happens to me so easily.

Cant Hardly Wait said...

Gosh. I hate the atlanta airport. not a fun place to be when you are pregnant. which such a situation would be highly unlikely for you.

By the way, I do plan on kickin' the cigs. But I am losing weight right now, and I feel like I can only handle one thing at a time.

Coffeypot said...

CHW, Great! I am pulling for you. If you are still planning on Being Army Strong, not smoking will be a big part of that strength. OOOHHH RAH!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Wahn! the best laid pl;ans of mice and men gwyn aft awry.

What a bummer!

Pamela said...

dot dash dash dash dot.
(I'm not sure what that says.)

clew said...

You remind me so much of my husband. He's always saying WHAT??? when stuff goes screwy.

Plus you're both hot.

Coffeypot said...

Clew, thank you (as I lick my index finger and touch it to my hip and listen to the sizzle.)

Anonymous said...

you poor, poor, man.

Christine said...

Pssstttt...I know this is too little too late but I am well experienced with this. One NEVER waits in line. You sit your butt down and call reservations who take care of it while all the other cattle wait their turn. I've never flown that airline but I wouldn't imagine it would be any different from the others that work that way.

Scarlet said...

Try to get a cardboard nail file onto a plane and 7 morons will strip search you and rummage through everything. But reschedule 250 PAYING people?!?! Union rules say only one on the counter.

Did I read it right?? Wheelchair?

Fuck! Give her a map and a few sandwiches then wish her luck as you shut the front door.

chesneygirl said...

Sheesh! What an ordeal!
Airlines are such a pain in the ass!

Miss Alex said...

Sorry you weren't feelin the Lincoln! :) anyway just poppin in to say I hope you have a good day buddy