Monday, February 28, 2011

You Might Be A Blogger If...

In reading the many blogs I follow, plus visiting others that comment on those blogs, I noticed some of you wonder if blogging is right for you. And there are others who just lurk but never comment or have a blog of their own. And many wonder if they are a true blogger. Well, peeps, wonder no more.

If you can say ‘Yes’ to any of these, then you are an official blogger. And you lurkers and anonymous commenter’s out there, if you can answer any of these in the positive, then give it up and start your own blog. You are probably the most interesting person that has yet you be read.


You might be a blogger if...'ve ever secretly considered recording your friends for blog ideas. daydream someone really important will read your blog and offer you:
a book deal.
a column.
a host opportunity.
to name their newborn child after you. face motherhood embarrassment with a twinge of excitement knowing it's awesome blog fodder.

...your kids know what a blog is.'re living proof that truth is stranger than fiction. still feel a teeny thrill every time you click "publish".

...your girlfriends preface conversations with, "Don't put this on your blog, but..." feel like you've been blogging for a million+ years when it's really only been 10 months.'ve been made to feel dirty (and not in a good way) by search terms.

...spam comments are so complimentary you consider approving them.

...your reader dominates you. have cyber BFF's.

...your baby's first word was "blog". drink wine and Tweet. carry around a little notebook. are part of at least 4 social networks.'ve been bullied online.'ve spent 4 hours trying to get the spacing just right. feel devastated when you lose a follower. assume that follower died because it's the only logical explanation. have an alias.

...your alias sounds more natural to you than your own name. have blog envy. suddenly realize you should have paid closer attention to grammar in school. feel the urge to hashtag outside the Twitterverse #perfectlyhealthy #perfectly normal. know what "squee!" means.

And for those who want to become famous through blogging, here is a flow chart to help map your way.


You're Welcome!


Marnie said...

So many blogs I read it's always hard to keep track or comment. I laughed out loud reading this post especially when someone that knows me says "don't blog about this...". Great post.

Paxford said... have an alias.

...your alias sounds more natural to you than your own name.

ummmm.... Cheeky Grin!


Barb said...

OK. I'm a blogger. I was reading the list to my son. When I got to "your kids know what a blog is" my son stopped me and said, "Yup. You're a blogger, mom."

Ed said...

all true

especially when you first start blogging

Now, when I loose a follower, I'm like...oh well, they were an asshole anyway.

Travis said...

Dude, the one about tweeting and drinking wine. Yes. That. If I had a nickel for every time some semi-alcoholic SAHM tweeted about getting lit on yellow tail, I'd be a rich man. Then I could be famous, then I could be a famous blogger.

Anonymous said...

Ah, crap, that's me. Damn. I said yes to an embarassing number of those.

Stacy said...

Sad, but true I've said yes to most of those at one time or another, but I really have been blogging "forever." My profile will tell you I've been on blogger since 2004! I believe I was somewhere else before that for a year or two. A lot of changes since then.

Unknown said...

love. this. post.
Oh, how many times John has told me something...only after saying, PLEASE don't post this on your Blog, Mom!
Of course I don't...but am I really bad mom because I still want to????
Happy Monday, Mr. CoffeyPot!
~AirmanMom (and I'm sticking to it)

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute?? Spam comments?? Noooo! Say it ain't so!!!

Lickety Splitter said...

An alias is the only thing that identifies me as a blogger. I don't think my hand held recorder which I asked for and got for my birthday (to capture random blog ideas) counts, because I forget to use it.

gayle said...

My girls tell me all the time ....don't blog about that!!! If certain relatives didn't read my blog I would have so much more to post!

The Reckmonster said...

Awesome post!! Hilarious...I answer more to "Reckmonster" now than my own name (or maybe that's because I'm ignoring people who call me by my regular name because they most likely want something from me! LOL). I secretly think my friends (who know I have a blog) read it to see who makes it into my posts more...hahahaha!

Southern (in)Sanity said...

Very well said.

Not So Simply Single said...

I love being a blogger...but we all have lurkers, don't we. I often wonder why people don't comment...

I guess I do enough of that for everyone...


MrsBlogAlot said...

Awesome! You got me on the spacing.


Miss Em said...

Gee, why is it that NO one tells me not to blog about what is happening to them or about them.

Well maybe because they know that it just won't work because its definitely going to be in that 'pile of stuff' marked for blogging at a later date.


Miss Em

Liz Mays said...

I fell in the hole at drink wine and tweet. Just checked that off my list last week. *sigh*

Susan Katz Keating said...

The spacing thing. That's what got me. That's when I just knew. I am In This Group!

Blogging. It's not for the faint hearted.