Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Getter Done Arizona

Getter Done, Arizona


Anonymous said...

I live in Arizona...The Illegals are really protesting here...And other states are trying to boycott us....This picture was great!

Southern (in)Sanity said...

That picture is almost as bad as the ad that ran in Mexican newspapers.

If the federal government refuses to address the problem, Arizona has no choice but to address it.

The federal government should be looking at addressing the problem, not taking the state of Arizona to court.

Wrexie said...

It would be good to have some backup from other border states too...

...some truly believe it's owed to them. I saw it in the schools.

Matty said...

That is an absolute outrage. I cannot believe they have the audacity to carry a sign like that. And better yet, the authorities allow it. That should be a crime. It's no different than threatening a police officer. They should be arrested for making such a statement.

ain't for city gals said...

We are all just hoping gov Brewer doesn't back down or "compromise"...

Southern (in)Sanity said...

Matty, if you think that's bad, check out this ad that the Mexican government ran in the Arizona Republic.

Southern (in)Sanity said...

Sorry. I forgot the link.


CI-Roller Dude said...

No hable

Anonymous said...

the picture is photoshopped. It didn't say that originally. Someone changed the words. Open it in photoediting software and blow it up big. You can see it was changed. I am all for the AZ laws and closing the borders, but this picture was changed

Simi Sam said...

It's great when people make up stuff and photoshop a picture to prove their make-believe point. That's what makes America great!

chef242 said...

I'm on your side, but, I am also suspicious of pictures that are not identified as to where it was taken, when and by whom. To be frank, the picture looks "photo-shopped". Did you vet it before posting?