I don't have a tattoo, yet. But a friend sent this one to me, and I can see me having this one done. NOT!
It's almost nasty, isn't it?
Some days the fish DO catch themselves
WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A placid fishing trip turned “berserk” for
three New Zealand men when a dolphin weighing more than 400 kilograms (900
59 minutes ago
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That is the funniest one I have ever seen.
olly, some people just need to say away from booze.
almost nasty? that is too funny i'd like to have seen the artist's face when this guy asked for the tattoo :)
well, as long as it's on SOMEONE ELSES BODY, I can appreciate it.
I bet he gets all th' chix that way...
NMEFC, I bet it didn't faze the tattooist. They see a lot of weird stuff and odd request.
Hot Lemon, I feel the same way, except for this guy. My first instinct is to whip the cats ass. UGH! Would you want to go out with a woman who liked that? At least you wouldn't have to wear clean underware.
Nasty enough for you! But maybe you should be original and get a dog tatt.
But that IS just what you need, Coffeypot: a little pussy. (grin)
beth, yeah, a pugger.
hooterbabe, no argument there.
I'd have to say, he probably got the tattoo he deserved, LOL.
I saw one similar at a Harley Rally but it was a Monkey. The 'owner' was a very large scary man so I didn't make any snippy comments.
special k, a very wise decission. He might have rubbed your nose in it.
My fav is one i only heard about. A sailor on the guy's stomach pulling a chain that travels up his torso, over his shoulder, down his back to where he is pulling a marine out of his ass crack.
yeah hairy cat ass is not the first thing I think about when I think sexy. lmao
I bet that guy is single too. hehehehehe
The shorts are more embarrassing than the tattoo. Are those Fisher Price? It looks like he's wearing an old Lego box.
(It's a lot funnier on someone far away than on me or mine!)
That is truly awful! I feel the need to poke my eyes out with something.
Whoo hoo! Newbie visiting from Burfica.
That's hot! LOL
it's not "almost" it is. ICK!
That is outstanding.
You would have a new conversation topic for your Waffle House visits with a tattoo like that.
What can I say, guys. I even think it’s disgusting. But it is my sworn duty as a Blogger to pass on any ugly, funny, sexy thing that falls into my coffeypot. But it is a disgustingly funny photo, though. Every time I see it I want to get a tissue and wipe it’s ass.
Welcome, maddy. Stop by again, if you dare.
What would happen if you had your shirt off and the neighbors cat hatin' dog looked your way?>??
There isn't any more to be said that hasn't been, so naturally I'm going to weigh in. This thing is PERMANENT. I can see the joke, but to make it PERMANENT... well, all I can say is that this guy must have insanity on BOTH side of his family going back twelve generations. And fortunately, the inheritance will end with him. There will NOT be any more offspring. That's Nature's saving grace.
LOL! The Imperfect nerd's comment is funny, but unfortunately, prolly not true,a s for every fool there's another willing to bed him.
Let's not talk fantasy here, MST!
Maybe if she were blind,,, but even then, a guy like that would prolly have BO and breath like a brewery, and THAT would repel ANYBODY!
LOL. That is hillarious!
Thanks :)
Except women with breath like a brewery and BO--they do come in both sexes! Sadly.
Ah, love conquers all!
EEEeeyou--but then who wants to fall in love with THAT! Or anything like it. (UGH!)
Someone must--they gave birth to it.
Sex will find a way.
Ok, Ok, I give up. There's a somebody for everybody, they may or may not find each other, they may or may not be grossed out, and they may or may not pass on a horrible contribution to the gene pool. I think that's general enough to fit every situation. If not..............whew!
Hey, that's how I look at things.
Now yr' cooking with gas.
I suppose this person considered many alternatives and this one was in the top five - somehow. More importantly, he (I am assuming it is a he) went with this particular artwork based on his body temperment. After all, if his navel was an "outy" then the effect would be somewhat different and possibly draw negative comments. NLM
Now that I have a little more time to elaborate: Anyone who actually CONCEIVED of the idea and STUDIED the image enough, let alone having it permanently COMMITTED to SKIN should be put in a nuthouse. And you know how sick my sense of humor is, but this crossed the line. Does this guy carry his balls in a wheelbarrow to keep them from dragging on the ground? May this be a PhotoShop job as a gag?
Mary and Imperfectnerd, I can stand a breath like a brewer and BO if there is enough money available. The amount of love extended is in direct proportion to the dollar amount available. So, she can smell like a sardine lying on a hot rock for a week for all I care if she has enough money. I do have my standards and they aren’t cheap.
And when did my site become the communication center for you two? I swear, I step away from the computer for a day or two and the whole place goes to hell. Now, if you two are carrying on a fling behind the other spouses backs, well, I want payment up front.
LOL, that is the nastiest and funniest and somehow the coolest tatt I've ever seen all at once.
his belly button looks like a pug butt. Maybe you could have a pug tattooed on your belly.
I'd like to see it, Coffeypot.
Listen, you knucklehead COffeyweed, I'm coming back looking for YOUR good humor, but if there is only comments to respond to, so be it!
My sweetie BB has been keeping me REAL HAPPY today, so I ain't looking for action elsewhere. MMMmmm!
I like what ccw said about poking her eyes out. Yeah!
'Sides, I subscribed to the comments on this out of curiosity and they are ALMOST as fun as the original post--but not quite.
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