Does this sound familiar?
During a visit to my doctor we were discussing my prostate, which is swollen. No cancer or anything like that, just aging. Anyway, he told me to ejaculate as often as I could, that it helps with the swelling.
Well, you know me, I ask him for a prescription for a three times weekly visit with a hooker so the insurance would pay for it, and that he should provide a nurse for immediate medication.
He just placed his hand on my shoulder and said that if that worked that easily he would have use up all his Rx pads on himself. It’s a shame, too. He has some awesome looking nurses and one bodacious PA.
Physic, Energy and Potatoes
I like potatoes. I like them cooked to where a small amount of salt is all
needed for seasoning, and covered with butter, sour cream, chives, bacon
and c...
6 minutes ago
I hope the tempting is for my prostate problem; not the 'your gonna die' problem.
You must be worried. Now you're going to have to polish the bishop even more than you already do. How much wear and tear is a guy supposed to tolerate?
Sounds like it's time to find a doctor who is more willing to have his staff help his patients with their conditions.
both my dad and husband have a crush on my doctor. They are always battling to see who gets to take me. lol
cooper, my right forearm looks like Popeye's.
RWA, you would think that the doctors would be more in touch with a patients NEEDS.
burfica, I hope you doctor is female. Otherwise...
Listen... we certainly cannot have your prostate all swollen up. I'll tell you what... Kyra is here for you. It's what any good friend would do.
all i can say is just be careful, i mean you will end up with repetative strain injury!
How can they not provide you with "physical therapy" for your medical problem!????
Always looking for the angle!
kyra, thanks, babe. I could use a little kyra sutra right now.
Katy, you are so right. That’s exactly why I have a left hand.
Real Live, that’s what HMOs do for ya. All they will pay for is hand lotion.
Gawilli, any angle is better than a rim shot. But it boils down to what ever works. I’ll try anything; I’m not pourd.
Just goes to show ya that life ain't fair.
BB would die. He can have all the sex he wants, but if he wants me to be nice, just forget it.
Coffey: Kyra, I'm here for you as well. I don't want you getting carpal's devastating.
LOL. I really need to stop commenting without my contacts in.
should read:
Like Kyra, I am here for you as well.
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