I got up this morning feeling fine and dandy. Jumped into the shower and washed off real good – some parts took more time to wash than others, but you don’t care about that. The point is, I got out, toweled off, and went to get some skivvies. But there were no clean skivvies. None! I haven’t done my laundry yet, and I didn’t realize the severity of the depletion of the undergarments.
So I dress commando and off to Wal Mart I go just a swinging. I don’t like to shop. I hate it. So I restock my skivvies and white socks about twice a year. This was about the time I need to do it, so I loaded up on several pair. Brief’s, boxer briefs, t-shirts and socks. Some colored, some white. Now I am all covered and it feels good to have clean, new cloth snuggling up to the tool and the nuts.
When you first go into Wal Mart there is a section as you go in the door with specialty items they are trying desperately to push. The first half of this section was full of t-shirts with an ecology theme. Sayings, like ‘Green Is The Next Black’ – what ever that means. Another one was a white shirt with what looks like it has dirt and grease on it and the saying, ‘Save Energy, Don’t Wash Your Shirts.’ But my favorite was, ‘Save The Planet. It’s The Only One With Beer.” That’s as good a reason as any other I have heard. Imagine living on Mars without beer. Shudder! But I didn’t buy one, though. I’m not that big a dork. Not anymore! Not is years! Not since last week. Not since… Okay! I didn’t have enough money. OKAAAYYYY!
Gotta run, now. I get to sit with the kiddies tonight while Marni and Carl go off on a date, and they have call me twice now wanting to know where I am. Love those little shits!
Physic, Energy and Potatoes
I like potatoes. I like them cooked to where a small amount of salt is all
needed for seasoning, and covered with butter, sour cream, chives, bacon
and c...
36 minutes ago
John, I never thought of you as the kind of guy who would be writing a fashion column. I guess that's how you get around explaining those high heels you've started wearing.
Now you got me wondering what "Green is the next black" means. Kelly made the remark after showing off her green attire. Are they referring to what the fashion industry considers to be the fabric color highest in demand. Has black long been a standard. Am I just meandering here?
Cooper, one more crack about my high heels and I am going up side your head with my purse.
e.craig, the operative word there is 'fashion.' My fashion is jeanes and tee's. Anything other than that is lost on me. Except on St. Patricks Day. Then green is the word.
You're talkin' about the new black. Right?
Ut oh. Sounds like you had a bit of a day going there with no skivvies. :hehe: Thank goodness Walmart has EVERYTHING!
Commando hehe I like that.
I had a comment all thought out, but either blogger or my computer is lagging really bad, and in the time it lagged. My mind wondered to things like pop tarts and water softners.
Soo I have nothing. hahahahhaa
What? How did you possibly NOT buy the beer T-shirt?
Buying new underwear whenever I ran out is exactly how I acquired more panties than will fit in my underwear drawer.
What a fun post, love it! LOL! hope you had fun with the kiddies.
from Wikipedia: Synesthesia (also spelled synæsthesia or synaesthesia, plural synesthesiae or synaesthesiae)—from the Ancient Greek σύν (syn), meaning "with," and αἴσθησις (aisthēsis), meaning "sensation"'—is a neurologically-based phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. In one common form of synesthesia, known as grapheme → color synesthesia, letters or numbers are perceived as inherently colored, while in ordinal linguistic personification, numbers, days of the week and months of the year evoke personalities.
I really DID used to see notes in color as a child and sometimes still do, but to a much lesser extent and less often.
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