I want to thank you all for your well wishes and prayers for my sister. I don’t usually boar you with stuff going on in my life because it is mainly just that – boring. But Mary is a different subject. She is thirteen years older than me and is more of a mother to me than my mother was. She has also been a diabetic for over 50 years and her little body is just getting tired.
She has been through many scary times in the past few years and many have counted her out. The doctors have called the family in just to be told that she has rallied back. She has had an eight bi-pass surgery, many diabetic comas and kidney problems, but she keeps coming back. That little lady is a fighter and I am proud of her and her courage. But she is my sister and she has the Coffey since of humor, too. For example, I notice that her urine bag was missing from its usual place at the foot of her bed. It could have been moved to the other side so I ask her if they had taken the catheter out. She said she didn’t know. So I said, “You didn’t feel or hear a slurping sound and a pop?” She chuckled and looked up at me and said with her little weak voice, “No! I guess its dead. I miss all the good things lying here.”
We almost lost her though. She woke up during the night, want to potty and climed out of the bed without calling a nurse. There was a portable potty next to her bed, and she was sitting on it. She strained so hard that her blood pressure dropped and she passed out. The only reason her heart didn’t stop was that she has a defibrillator implanted in her chest and that kept the heart going. The medical staff had to do cpr by beating her chest to get the heart stared on its own. She is bruised to high heaven, and she spent a couple of days in ICU. They had to have her lungs pumped out to get rid of the goop, but, again, she fooled the doctors. I told her that, after all she had been though in her life, to be taken out by a Chinese disease was just not fair. She wanted to know what Chinese disease and I told her she had a mild heart attack brought on by a Chinese malady called Hung Turd. She tried to hit me, but she couldn’t lift her arms. She is a fighter, ya know.
Yesterday they were going to move her to an intensive therapy unit in downtown Atlanta, but the rep from the unit came buy to evaluate her and said she wouldn’t qualify because she is doing so much better. She is on less oxygen and is doing great with her walking and stuff, so she will be moved to a medium therapy unit closer to her home, and I believe she will be able to go home soon.
I just hope that when and if it happens to me, I can face the challenge with as much courage and determination as Mary. She continues to amaze us and we still find things to laugh about.
Remembering Air Time | The Legendary PBR Bull That Defied Gravity
Air Time was one of the most memorable bulls in PBR, and for good reason.
He had a mind of his own, a style that kept riders guessing, and a way of
making ...
2 hours ago
oh dear... not been doing he reading I should so I didn't know you had some emergency going on when I sent you that awful Email.
Glad you didn't hung turd me!
More prayers coming your way. Best wishes and high hopes.
she sounds extremely feisty. I love that in a person.
I hope things only get better from here.
My math may be off, but it sounds like she's been a diabetic since her early twenties. That's a long time, and the disease certainly does take its toll.
I hope she can recover and be comfortable. I realize that this is emotionally tough on the family, too. Glad to hear she's a fighter.
So happy to hear Mary is such a fighter! I hope she continues her uphill climb to recovery. You keep that wonderful attitude as well.
sorry to hear that your sister has been ill, hope she continues on her recovery, watch out for the slap she will be giving you when she is up and about again though!
God be with you and your family, coffeypot.
oOO I love people who are fighters and survivors. I wish her and yours all the best coffee. Keeping everyone in our prayers.
I have been praying for her every night. I am glad to hear that she is fighting :)
You know, I haven't told many people this, but my Dad died b/c he refused to use a port a potty...He was bed ridden already for months and he knew that he wouldn't be around much longer. We got him a bed pan, and he refused to use it. He refused the little portable one.
Instead, he walked to the bathroom.
His blood pressure dropped and died.
He was a fighter, too, like your sister.
Hugs x
My prayers and thoughts are with you. It is tough to watch someone you love suffer. But the love they bring into our lives is immeasurable!!
Your sister will be in my thoughts and prayers. Almost a year ago, I had a similar situation with my aunt, who waited in the hospital over three months for a liver transplant. She became very ill and weak, but she was a fighter and got her transplant. She is now doing very well--her best health in almost ten years. I'm sure your sister will keep fighting as best she can.
OMG-- that's so funny!! I love you and your family!! Sounds like me and my brothers!! Hee hee ho ho!! She is such a fighter! I'll be praying for her and her caretakers!! love ya Tina
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