Many of you who have heard the term ‘TWITTER’, but you do not know where the word comes from. Thanks to my buddy, Scotty, over at Trukindog (see my blog roll,) I can now give you how it was derived.
You are welcome!
Under pressure from Trump, Mexico extradites cartel kingpins
Mexico on Thursday extradited some of its most notorious imprisoned drug
lords to the United States in a bid to avert sweeping tariffs, including a
cartel ...
1 minute ago
I thought it was "titter"
I am so glad I stopped by for today's lesson.
It's always an education to be here. :-)
Dude, Could be that, too.
Christine, my aim is to educate everyone to the things we need to know but are afraid to ask.
Mr. R, indeed.
Hope, the truth is sometimes just ugly.
Blogging is not only fun .. it's also educational.
And .. your donations have given me a well rounded education.
I'm beginning to believe that you're not really a redneck.
e.Craig, me not a redneck??? Take it back. Take it back righ now or you do not get a sip off the jar when it comes around.
double ewww
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