I saw this on Sgt. Charlie's sight and it is just to important a message to health of women to not be passed on.
(By the way, Charlie is fighting a winning battle with the bit C and could use you support and prayers. Drop by and give him a big shout out.)
Click on it to biggerzise it.
In search of missing World War Two soldiers
VIDEO HERE (25:55 minutes)
The search for World War Two’s fallen soldiers is still ongoing. The German
War Graves Commission receives more than 35,000 enq...
5 hours ago
Oh hell no.
Julie, I know...it's horrible. But (no pun intended) can you imagine what the room would smell like if they all burst at once? I wonder how many could make it to fresh air?
I think it was Butt Bubble Gum.
Dude, it does put a different light on the term 'Bubble Butt.'
Butt I don't think I like gum anymore...
this sheds a new light on gum....not so bubblicious!
will head over to see C.
Wrexie, gum's ok, jsut don't swallow it before a workout.
JennyMac, welcome to my world...who you?
Hope, see ya there...maybe.
Now THAT is a serious health message right there. Thanks for taking the time to pass it along.
Mr R, That's what I'm all about...educating my peeps.
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