I saw this on Sgt. Charlie's sight and it is just to important a message to health of women to not be passed on.
(By the way, Charlie is fighting a winning battle with the bit C and could use you support and prayers. Drop by and give him a big shout out.)
Click on it to biggerzise it.
Your Tuesday Morning Florida Report
A 50-year-old man in Florida may spend the remainder of his days behind
bars for shooting his girlfriend in the back multiple times then claiming
he was ac...
39 minutes ago
Oh hell no.
Julie, I know...it's horrible. But (no pun intended) can you imagine what the room would smell like if they all burst at once? I wonder how many could make it to fresh air?
I think it was Butt Bubble Gum.
Dude, it does put a different light on the term 'Bubble Butt.'
Butt I don't think I like gum anymore...
this sheds a new light on gum....not so bubblicious!
will head over to see C.
Wrexie, gum's ok, jsut don't swallow it before a workout.
JennyMac, welcome to my world...who you?
Hope, see ya there...maybe.
Now THAT is a serious health message right there. Thanks for taking the time to pass it along.
Mr R, That's what I'm all about...educating my peeps.
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