It’s time for a little nude blogging. I’m in the Tavelodge Motel cooling off in the nude reading my emails when I cam acrosse this one for my pal Jim Latchford (see blog roll.)
BARBIE DOLL has her 50th birthday this year.......
Tweety Bird is 60 years old!
And what about all our other ....
Wonder Woman (touch of menopause here I think?)
Batman and Robin
"Life is short, break the rules, forgive sooner, love with true love, laugh without control and always keep smiling.
Maybe life is not the party that we were expecting, but in the mean time, we're here and we can still dance....."
Caption: A lambert is a photometric brightness equal to one lumen, or 1/π
candela per square centimeter. This luminance is produced by a blackbody
12 minutes ago
It is however, the one party that we all belong to. Let's laugh about it together, and by the way, your cartoons are the best!
Great 'toons and yep we are all getting older and maybe a little more decrepit.
Older, yes.
Oh to be 35 again and know what I know now!! This aging process is all wrong....its backwards. By the time we know everything, we're too old to do anything about it.
My license says I'll be 35 soon. My mind tells me I'm still 18. My body just filed so Social Security & Medicare.
At least my dick still gets hard without a prescription.
I think.
It's been so long since I've needed it, I kind of forget.
that is awesome!!!:D
you think barbie would have her facelift and tummy tucks to still look young
a milf with a young ken LOL
Love your super heroes! They're great! And oh so true. :sigh: Aging sure isn't for sissies, is it?
growing old is not for wimps!
I am not as good as I once was, but I am as good once as I ever was.
Getting older is better than the other options.
Barbie is my hero!
(Old man sitting naked in motel, surfing the web and sharing - gotta love ya')
That out-house would give me performance anxiety.
I guess I'll take ageing over death.
This is hilarious :D :D :D
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