I remember my first Happy Meal...
Recon there might be a Senior Discount on one of these?
Under pressure from Trump, Mexico extradites cartel kingpins
Mexico on Thursday extradited some of its most notorious imprisoned drug
lords to the United States in a bid to avert sweeping tariffs, including a
cartel ...
10 minutes ago
OMG...That's soo funny. I seriously just laughted out loud. Great.
Wow! Check out that kid's smile!
j-tony, I did the same thing when I saw it.
Suz, can you blame him? That's a very nice looking Happy Meal he is about to partake of.
yep, senior discount...
My dad always said he wanted to go to a "nursing" home for this exact reason!
Oh, John. There are no words...just boobies. Ack!
Too funny!
Gosh !!
Now that's a stroller down memory lane.
Miss Em
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