Remembering Air Time | The Legendary PBR Bull That Defied Gravity
Air Time was one of the most memorable bulls in PBR, and for good reason.
He had a mind of his own, a style that kept riders guessing, and a way of
making ...
5 hours ago
"Okay, Okay! I'll start putting the toilet seat back down."
yuck! she needs more than fiber
I think she had enough fiber....???
Leontien, I think her problem is, she's constipated and trying to force a dump...thus she needs more fiber to loosen her up.
Dude, I think you stole that from Ed. You guys are plotting against us to make us all sick. Icky.
I think she looks fine. So she isnt your generic female, so what shes still a person.
Number 9, you are so right. She is a person...albeit one butt ugly one. When you go the extremes she went to to look like that, she deserves every comment she gets.
She looks constipated and everything in between! My God, those pop-out veins are unreal!
That's an aneurysm in the making.
When you have to make an expression that bulges every muscle, tendon and vein in your body, maybe you should just sit down and read a book.
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