I Don't Know What It Was, but It Kicked My Butt
I know it was a virus. What kind? Maybe a flu variant, or some other virus,
but whatever it was, it made me sicker than I've been in decades. My fever
3 hours ago
Scoped Deer Rifle? Dude... That's brilliant!!
Sadly, the 'reverse' of scoped rifle will probably be true soon...
Yeah, O-NFO. Thank you Liberals!
Love it. California is funny 'til you live here!
God how I wish I was a Texan. They not only have the death penalty, they USE it.
I need to seriously consider relocating.
Love that! Sounds like Wyoming all over again. Miss the wild west. Brilliant list!
It's the same here in TN as in TX, thankfully!!
N1 - Sorry Dude.
LJ - They did away with the electric chair. There was just no more demand for extra crispy.
LL - There's room for ya in GA.
MF - You will have the wild west where ever you are.
MM - TN is a good part of the South.
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